Welcome to:

"Repeater Builder ®"
So, you want to build a repeater?
Repeater Builder is an informational help site owned by Kevin Custer
This is the largest repeater information site in the world!
We regret to announce that Robert W. "Bob" Meister WA1MIK passed away far before his time in June 2021.
He was the primary webmaster and a frequent contributor and mentor and posting a ton of manuals
and articles here on Repeater-Builder.
He will be missed by all who knew and interacted with him,
including all of us here at Repeater-Builder.
Occasionally we run a Google ad in this spot to help pay the bandwidth and hosting bill.
Repeater-Builder has no control over the contents of the advertisements.
No approval of or endorsement of the products (or products) is implied.
Donations are appreciated for the continued availability and upkeep of this site. At the time
we last updated this paragraph we have over 12,100 publicly-accessible files occupying over
17.5 GB of server space. About 54% are PDFs, about 33% are JPGs and GIFs, and about 9% are
HTML files. All of this is freely downloadable information, and our server transfers
(i.e. downloads) over 250 GB per month!
The repeater-builder web group (mailing list) that is associated with this web site has over 5,500
members worldwide and is a tremendous resource of technical knowledge on repeaters and
repeater-building, be they amateur, commercial, GMRS, public safety, CAP, or ...
Click here to go to the Repeater-Builder
mailing list (it will open in a new tab). The list has a web interface or you can receive individual
emails or daily summaries.
The contents of the information pages at this web site are totally dependent on donations of
information. If you have expertise on a particular piece of equipment, or detailed knowledge
on a topic, please consider contributing an article or two to this web site. If you see an error
please let us know.
This web site is privately owned and operated; all financial support comes from donations from
individuals. There is little advertising on this web site except for a few small amateur-owned
companies that manufacture boards and parts of interest to the repeater community, and a few
Google ads like the one above that help pay the hosting fees.
Please help support this site -- we accept donations using PayPal.
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Due to the fact that we are using the free Google search there will be advertisements in
the Google search results.
with the "Sponsored" ones on the top.
The Concept of This Site:
- To educate: As an example, "What's a repeater?"
- To supply quality information relating to amateur, commercial and public safety / first responder repeater stations.
- To make available technical people who may answer repeater related questions.
- To provide availability of some conversion parts for Motorola®,
GE®, Hamtronics® and other brands of equipment.
- To supply information on construction projects and technical information relating to repeaters, remote bases and point-to-point links.
- To furnish links to reference information and modifications for Motorola®, GE®,
Kenwood®, Yaesu®, Hamtronics® and many
other manufacturers equipment.
- To make available email and web groups for those seeking information about repeaters.
Like this one.
- To provide links to Service, Equipment and Parts providers.
- Here is just one example of the service provided by this site. Ray's first repeater.
- Consider the RFinder application for locating local repeaters of interest. Also Repeaterbook.com.
The Main Modification and Information Index
Everything here was donated by somebody in the spirit of sharing.
What information or expertise do you have to contribute?
(If you don't see the brand you're looking for, see the "Other Manufacturers" listing at the end.)
Advanced Computer Controls
(ACC) Now out of business, support is available through other sources.
Advanced Electronic Applications
(AEA) We have a number of AEA equipment manuals here.
Now out of business, here's a collection of Aerotron-Repco manuals.
Information on Alinco radios and equipment.
Information on Arcom Repeater Controllers and related products.
Information and modifications for Astron linear and switching power supplies.
Information on Bendix-King two-way radio equipment.
Information on BCR-Series Repeaters and Accessories.
Information on CES two-way radio accessories.
Communications Specialists
and Selectone
Information on audible and sub-audible tone encoders and decoders.
Computer Automation Technology
(CAT) Now out of business, here's information on CAT repeater controllers.
Connect Systems
Inc. (CSI) Information on CSI communications products.
Creative Control Products
(CCP) Now out of business, here's some information on CCP equipment.
Daniels Electronics
Information on Daniels Electronics equipment.
E. F. Johnson
Information on E. F. Johnson two-way radio equipment.
Now out of business, here's some information on Ferritronics Tone Squelch products.
General Electric /
Ericsson /
M/A-Com /
Tyco /
and now Harris
Including conversion articles, the "MASTR Index" of LBIs, and other information.
GLB Electronics
Now out of business, here are manuals and information on their products.
Glenayre Electronics
Now out of business, we have some information on Glenayre paging equipment.
Granger Associates
Now out of business, here's some information on Granger radio equipment.
Now out of business, here are mods, info, and manuals on Hamtronics equipment.
Helper Instruments
Now out of business, here's what is available on Helper Instruments equipment.
Henry Radio
Information and modifications for Henry Radio mobile and station / repeater amplifiers.
Information and modifications for Icom two-way radio equipment (commercial and amateur).
ICS Controllers
Information and modifications for ICS repeater controllers.
Kendecom / ACS / MCS
Now out of business, here are mods and info on Kendecom repeaters.
Information on Kenwood two-way radio equipment (commercial and amateur).
Information on Kyodo base and repeater stations.
LDG Electronics
Information on LDG Electronics products.
Link Communications
(Link-Comm) Information on the RLC series of repeater controllers.
Maggiore "Hi-Pro" Repeaters
Now out of business, information on Maggiore "Hi-Pro" repeater products.
Masters Communications
Quality return loss bridges, USB radio adapters, and other projects and kits.
Information on MFJ equipment and accessories.
Micro Computer Concepts
(MCC) Information on MCC repeater controllers.
Information on Midland two-way radio equipment.
Information on Dingbat products.
Information on Batwing products. For Motorola branded test equipment by General
Dynamics and others please look here.
NHRC Repeater Controllers
Now out of business, here is information and modifications for NHRC controllers.
Pacific Research Solutions
Information on Pacific Research Solutions repeater controllers and related products.
Pion and Simon Electronics
Now out of business, here is information on Pion and Simon Electronics equipment.
Pyramid Power Supplies
Information on Pyramid regulated power supplies.
Radio Shack
Information on Radio Shack amateur transceivers, test equipment, weather receivers and more.
Ramsey Electronics
No longer selling kits. Their web site is gone. Here is all of the information we have on
Ramsey radio and test equipment products.
RCA They folded,
the name was sold to a chinese company, here is all the available information on the American-made
RCA two-way radio equipment.
Regency / RELM / Wilson
Information on Regency, RELM, and Wilson equipment.
Repeater Builder (the company)
Custom Repeaters and Products for the repeater builder or owner.
Ritron, Inc.
Information on Ritron two-way radio equipment.
Samlex America
Information on Samlex Desktop / Benchtop and Rack Mount Power Supplies aand Battery Chargers.
S-Com Controllers
Information on S-Com repeater controllers and accessories.
Solid State Communications
(SSC) Now out of business, here is all of the information we have on Solid State Communications equipment.
Now out of business, here is all of the information we have on the Spectrum repeaters.
Standard (a division of Marantz)
Now out of business, here is all of the information we have on Standard equipment made prior to the merger with Yaesu / Vertex in 1998.
Information on Tait two-way radio equipment.
Information on Uniden and Bearcat two-way radios and scanners.
Vega / Cetec-Vega / Telex-Vega
Information on Vega radio equipment including their line of tone encoders and decoders.
VHF Engineering
Now out of business, information on some VHF Engineering products.
West Mountain Radio
Products for DC Power, Amateur Radio, and R/C Hobbies.
Western Radio
Now out of business; was also known as WR Communications.
Yaesu / Vertex and
Vertex / Standard
Information on Yaesu, Yaesu / Vertex, and Vertex / Standard equipment.
Information on Zetron controllers and tone panels.
Other Manufacturers'
Information, manuals and mods for equipment made by manufacturers not listed
above. If you can't find it anywhere else, check here!
Other Pages on Various Repeater Related Topics:
Antenna System Information The
antenna system is made up of everything that connects to the antenna connectors of the repeater
receiver and transmitter.
Backup and Alternative Power
Equipment modification and setup articles plus reference material.
Construction Projects
Repeater-related construction projects. (Note that there are some homebrew antenna projects
at the bottom of the Antenna System Information page above)
Information on digital communications equipment and operation, including MotoTrbo.
Downloads Various
downloads (software, powerpoint files, data files).
IRLP The Internet Radio Linking
Project is a worldwide community of radio/repeater systems. Here's an overview page with a lot of links.
Packet Radio / APRS notes (will open in a new window) Many new users of packet radio - be it for message handling or for APRS were disappointed with the results and gave up. It worked on strong signals, but failed on weaker signals. WA6ILQ fixed the issues that a few local hams in his area had with problems in level, deviation, preemphasis / deemphasis, tone twist, and impedance matching. Rather than rewrite John Ackermann N8URs excellent writeup we've just provided a pointer to his page. And Steven Smith WA8LMF has provided a downloadable Packet TNC Test CD Image File that is an excellent test tool (that link will open in a new window).
Repeater Equipment Suppliers
Antennas, Controllers, Duplexers, Feedline, Power Amplifiers, Preamplifiers, Repeaters, Voters, and more.
Repeater Jamming and how
to solve it / deal with it Information on catching
indentifying repeater jammers.
Repeater Linking
Information on linking repeaters together.
Repeater-oriented articles, by Peter Policani,
K7PP These articles were published on his own site that has since left the
web. Peter gracioiusly gave Repeater-Builder permission to host certain relevant articles here.
Repeater related groups Links
to several groups, mailing lists and email reflectors relating to repeaters.
Radio Mobile is
a free and powerful computer-aided tool that models the coverage of an antenna. It was witten by Roger
Coudé VE2DBE. You can use the program by visiting the site and creating a free account.
It's free to amateur radio operators. It is used to plot antenna patterns and to predict the performance of
radio systems from 20 MHz to 20 GHz. RM lacks easy to understand documentation. The
best place for beginner info is the web site at
or at
http://www.pizon.org/radio-mobile-tutorial (both are offsite links and will open in a new window).
A Sample Set of Repeater
Radio Site Rules Here's a sample of what to expect when you rent space
at a commercial 2-way radio site.
Here's another set from N9ZIA (offsite link).
And another one.
customizable tower site lease agreement DOC file Here's a sample tower site
lease agreement you can download and fill in with your specific information when you are
looking to rent space at a commercial site. Lawyer-approved. Provided by Martin Flynn W2RWJ.
Amateur Radio Club Repeater Operation Rules Here are some
samples from various radio clubs: (several are offsite links)
The Target System
WB1GOF Repeater Rules of Conduct
K5QHD Repeater Usage Rules
and Guidelines
Mount Diablo Amateur Radio Club Repeater Operation Rules
The Great South Bay Amateur Radio Club of New York
Interstate Repeater Society of New Hampshire Repeater
The Caravan Amateur Radio Club of Albuquerque New Mexico Repeater Rules & Etiquette
The KB1AEV Repeater System
Arlington Radio Public Service Club
Rocky Mountain Radio League (near Denver, Colorado)
Condor Connection Guidelines from
a open linked 220 Mhz system that runs from Phoenix west to San Diego and north into Oregon
Private system policies and rules from
a now‑defunct linked private system (this is presented here only as a set of ideas that others can borrow from).
Information Various technical articles and reference material, including a glossary page of terms used around repeaters.
Test Equipment
Manuals (PDFs) and articles for communications test equipment, such as IFR / Aeroflex,
Bird, Cushman, Helper, Motorola, and a few others. This page also has some articles on home-brew test equipment.
Two-Way Directory Site This web site was run by Rik Rasmussen WA4BAN until
mid-2022 when he retired. This directory of the Land Mobile (commercial 2-way radio) industry had over 1600
links plus a interesting commentary page (scroll down to the "Two Way Radio Web Log").
Note that the pointer is an offsite link to a snapshot page at the Wayback Machine and the information is a little dated but very useful.
Information on Voice over Internet Protocol controllers and linking practices.
The R-B Group / Reflector / Mailing List:
Miscellaneous stuff that doesn't seem to fit anywhere else:
FCC Rules and Rule-Related Articles
The current FCC rules Part 97 (amateur radio service), as well as other rule-related articles and resources.
- Some mobile radio installation resources, a few from the vehicle manufacturers:
If anyone discovers a new one, from any manufacturer, domestic or foreign, please forward a copy (or a pointer) to us.
- Chrysler This is a scan (local copy) of a handout at an older Dayton
Hamvention that was written expressly for hams, with a number of excellent mobile radio installation points.
- Ford This guide covers Ford, Lincoln, Mercury,
Aston Martin, Volvo, Mazda, Jaguar, Lincoln and Land Rover. This is a local copy of Ford's "Mobile Radio Installation Guide",
a document that used to be at the www.fordemc.com web site but that site went away.
- General Motors Radio Telephone / Mobile Radio Installation Guidelines (local copy)
It's dated 2002, if anyone has a newer edition please email it to the page maintainer.
- Icom has their own installation guide.
It's oriented towards the commercial user but makes some valid points. (offsite link)
- Motorola has a manual that covers repeater site guidelines (more info on that manual is in the fourth paragraph
Appendix G, of that manual, "Mobile Installation Standards
and Techniques" covers mobile installations.
- The ARRL has a writeup on mobile installations. (offsite link)
Urgent Communications, a LMR trade publication, had
a mobile installations notes article in the April 2000 issue. If anyone has a newer edition please email it to the page maintainer.
Text to CW (offsite link)
Convert any text to a MCW audio stream, or to an an MP3 file (and you can create a WAV file from an MP3).
Repeaterisms Click to see what they are!
The Two Way Radio Keys Page A lot of mobile radios are locked into their mounts.
Do you need to know what key fits your mobile radio? Look here!
Other Offsite Links Other modifications and related information located at other web sites.
The Repeater Builder's Check List A reference
list when acquiring parts to build a repeater and some construction notes, initially by by W7FDF and
added to by several other contributors.
A bit of ham radio / electronic humor!!
Highest Repeater in the USA? Possibly!
the Awards page. See a few of the awards this site has received.
Legal and other important stuff......
GENERAL DISCLAIMER - - This site and its entire contents is for informational
purposes only!
If you chose to follow any link or procedure outlined herein, you do so
at your own risk.
Note that the repeater operational rules and regulations vary from country to country.
What is legal in one place will in many cases get you in trouble elsewhere. The staff of
this web site and authors of the articles assume no responsibility for anything YOU do.
Our authors are not looking over your shoulder as you do surgery on a radio. We and
they cannot, nor will not, be responsible for any possible damage to radio equipment, to
yours or anothers personal property, to yourself or to others caused by modifications
that you or someone else may make to any equipment as a result of your reading of the
contents of any web page at this web site, or any web site we link to.
The Repeater Builder's site does not evaluate the accuracy of materials created by persons
beyond its control or supervision. Therefore, although this site links to many additional web
sites, the Repeater Builder's site is not responsible for the availability of, completeness of, or
the accuracy of any materials contained within those web sites.
The terms Repeater Builder®, Repeater-Builder®,
Repeater Builders®, Repeater Builder Dot Com®, and
Repeater Builder's Technical Information Page®, are registered
trademarks of Kevin Custer and are registered in the United States under the
US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).
All trademarks, trademark names, service mark names, trademark images and logos used on
this web site are done so with an educational or informative intent. All trademarked names
belong to the owner and no violation or infringement is intended.
Photographs, images, drawings, diagrams, PDF files, HTML files, articles, and notes were
submitted to, or received by, Repeater Builder anonymously unless otherwise indicated.
Copyright is retained by the original author or submitter, if known.
Click here for information on the "fair use" doctrine
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This site and its contents are protected under US copyright laws. You may reproduce
the contents of this site (partial or full) for your own personal use, but you may not
reproduce it in quantity or sell the contents (partial or full) for any profit without
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Links to this index page are allowed from other private web sites, but you
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specific pages or files will break sooner or later when we move things around or
rename them. So it's best to link to the index page and provide directions to get
to a specific page.
This site and its contents are the intellectual property of Kevin Custer and the
contributing authors. The information contained within it cannot be used for any
form of personal gain by anyone outside of the originating authors or those given
permission to do so (in writing) by Kevin Custer.
Note: The appearance of any email addresses, phone numbers or fax numbers
on any web page that is a part of this web site is intended solely for the convenience
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contained here. Permission to use such information for the purpose of email, fax or
telephone solicitation by others is absolutely and specifically denied.
web site, and the information presented in and on its pages is owned and/or ©
Copyrighted 1995 - current by Kevin Custer W3KKC and multiple originating
Read this disclaimer!!
Information - Click Here
This page was initially created and copyrighted © 20
March 1995 by Brian L. Fritz and Kevin K. Custer.