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Compiled, HTML'd and Maintained by Mike Morris WA6ILQ
Formerly Maintained by Robert Meister WA1MIK

Below are are manuals for equipment from other manufacturers that don't have their own pages at this site.
When we have enough from one manufacturer we will create a page for them.

Update 2024-03-31: Vega Electronics, Cetec-Vega and Telex-Vega have been moved to their own page.

Donations for this page (or any page at this web site) are gratefully accepted.

NOTE: Test equipment companies are listed under "Test Equipment" on the main index page.

Advanced Receiver Research (ARR) Preamp Instruction Sheet   446 kB PDF file
This covers the P28VDG, P50VDG, P136VDG, P144VDG, P220VDG and P432VDG models.
Autocode made a selection of fine morse code identifiers for commercial and amateur radio applications.
They are out of business but one gentleman is still supporting them at
Azden PCS-5000 Instruction Manual   6.7 MB PDF file
Azden PCS-7000H Schematic Diagram   3.6 MB PDF file
All of the 7000-series radios have nearly the same schematic. Obviously the TX and RX sections would have different component values. Supposedly the manuals had addendums to cover the various band differences.
John Bell Corp. AP4800 Repeater Controller Manual   387 kB PDF file           Photo of the AP4800 board
B and D Enterprises 1P Repeater Controller Manual   163 kB PDF file courtesy of KB3CEZ
CBS Labs Audimax III and IIIS Automatic Level Controller   920 kB PDF file Compliments of Larry Saletzki WA9VRH
CBS Labs Volumax model 400 Automatic Peak Controller   349 kB PDF file Compliments of Larry Saletzki WA9VRH
Channel Master Five-band Monitor Antenna, model 5094A Monitenna Manual   45 kB PDF file
ChargeGuard CG-12D Instructions   210 kB PDF file courtesy of Mike WA6ILQ
ChargeGuard CG-X Instructions   387 kB PDF file   current model.
Clegg Communications Corporation was run by Ed Clegg, W8LOY, from the 1960s until he died in September of 2001 at age 80. Clegg was one of the early and most popular amateur VHF radio manufacturers and importers. A number of the Clegg radios were designed by Miguel Emilio "Mike" Santana WB6TEB (SK 2016) and made by Uniden. Mike was the Vice President of Engineering for Fanon-Courier and did a number of Clegg and President (CB) radio designs.
Mark Three   1.2 MB PDF file   Equivalent to the Midland 13‑500. The last page of the PDF is a full-size schematic diagram.
FM-28   7.1 MB PDF file   Equivalent to the early model Midland 13‑510A (the 2 meter version of the Midland 13‑513 220 radio). The original price (in the mid-1970s) was around $350. They were sold in europe as the Uniden 2080.
FM-76   1.5 MB PDF file   Equivalent to the Midland 13‑509 and similar Cobra model. The second page of the PDF is a full-size schematic diagram.
FM-88   1 MB PDF file   Equivalent to the later model Midland 13‑510A.
Clegg 016 repeater (220 MHz)   21.4 MB PDF file   Contains the advertisement and schematics.

The FM-28 and FM-88 had a factory installed scanner option (FM-28S or FM-88S) that was very rare. The scanner was actually made by CES as their 800-ML product.
CPI Communications Model 824 Autopatch manual   530 kB PDF file donated by Jay Damkoehler W4EBO
Crescend C5/C5R Continuous Duty Power Amplifier manual   175 kB PDF file
This amplifier is also sold/rebranded by Codan/Daniels and other LMR manufacturers.
CSC CWID-50B, -50BR, and -51B CW ID units   456 kB PDF file donated by Eric Lemmon WB6FLY (SK)
Note that the original 16-pin TTL EPROM is no longer available, but you can make an adapter to allow use of the more readily available 27Cxxx series EPROMS. The manual walks you through what each bit is used for.
A newer version is available here   1.1 MB PDF file
CSI - There are or were three different companies that used the initials CSI - one was Communication Systems Incorporated (CSI) Company in Lynwood, Washington which is long out of business. That CSI was a manufacturer of commercial two-way radio PL/CG/tone/CTCSS/DPL/Digital-sub-tone panels (community repeater/shared repeater tone panels). These blue-gray color CSI-32 plain and CSI Super-32 Repeater Tone Panels are not to be confused with similar products made by Connect Systems Inc. originally in Torrance (now in Ventura) in Southern California - the two companies despite the identical monikers are not and were not related in any way. Nor are they related to a third "CSI", Communications Specialists Inc. (also known as Com-Spec), the makers of the popular subaudible tone encoders and decoders, which is in the city of Orange, in Southern California. Communications Specialists Inc. (Com-Spec) and Connect Systems Inc. (CSI) have their own pages at this web site.

The first file listed below contains the basic (standard) CSI 32 Repeater Tone Panel Controller manual (photo of the unit). The second file contains the CSI Super 32 Repeater Tone Panel (Controller) manual. The last two files contain the two pages of programming commands from the basic (standard) CSI 32 Tone Panel Controller Manual; the zip file contains two GIF files, and the PDF is a two page image file.
If anyone has photos of the Super 32 panel we'd appreciate an email.

The first four of the Communication Systems Incorporated (CSI-Lynwood) files below were donated by Skipp May
CSI 32 Repeater Tone Panel (Controller) manual   1.5 MB PDF file with bad pages removed.
CSI Super 32 Repeater Tone Panel (Controller) manual   921 kB PDF file
Here's the corrected chapter 4, programming information that has both sides of the page scanned.   6.4 MB PDF file.
CSI 32 / Super 32 command list   One 511 kB ZIP file containing two GIF files
CSI 32 / Super 32 command list (a two-page PDF file)   570 kB PDF file
Data Signal Inc. (DSI) of Albany GA. became Game Country, Inc. and they still have some old manuals left.
They wrote:
We did go by the name Data Signal quite a few years ago. We got out of that business when cell phones took off and eliminated about 80% of our product line. Fortunately, we do still have some of the old product manuals available. As an example, we have a CWID 70-DC version that you can purchase for $10.00. It has all the information that you need. Schematics, theory, installation and so on. One thing you do need to know is that coding of the PROM is no longer possible by us. If you need to change the code, then you will have to go elsewhere. To get the manual send a check along with your complete mailing address. Please let me know if you need further assistance.
Technical Support; Game Country, Inc.; 2403 Commerce Lane; Albany, GA 31707;
Data Signal ID/SM-700 Identifier / Station Monitor   2.8 MB PDF file
Unfortunately this is a scan of a printed document and not text searchable. If anyone has a better file please send it in.
The Daiwa PS-400X and PS-880 Power Supply Schematic   273 kB JPG donated by Erik Iddings KF4KRK
The schematic of a rather rare power supply. It was not provided with the unit and Erik had to go hunting.
The Diamond GZV-4000 Power Supply Schematic   198 kB PDF file donated by Scott Lichtsinn KBØNLY
An adjustable (5-15V) 40A switching power supply.
The Drake TR-33C 2-meter Portable Transceiver Manual   3.5 MB PDF file donated by Mike WA6ILQ
This is a single-crystal-per-channel design similar to that of the Motorola Metrum or UHF MICOR mobile radio. Note that the unit has a mess of of small coax stuffed into the bottom of the antenna pocket. It's a magic length - a quarter wave at 2 meters - so don't change the length.
Emergency Beacon Corporation EBC-144 Jr. manual   879 kB PDF file
Bob WA1MIK scanned his own manual and cleaned it up significantly. It's still full of errors, but so were the radios.
HAL ID-1A Diode Matrix Programming   670 kB PDF file donated by Greg Beat W9GB
This is not the complete ID-1A manual, just the chapter on programming the diode matrix. Note that the original 1N270 germanium diodes are hard to find, since they are no longer actively manufactured. The Central Semiconductor CDSH270 is a Silicon Schottky diode specifically designed to replace the older germanium diodes manufactured with 1950s technology like the 1N270, 1N277, etc. Advantages of this new technology are lower forward voltage, lower leakage, faster switching speed, and a more robust package. Mouser part # 610-CDSH270 was a reliable source for this diode in 2008 at about 25 cents each.
NOTE: The HAL ID-1000 uses a DIFFERENT diode Matrix format, so this manual excerpt is not helpful for that newer CW ID model.
Doug Hall 4RV Voter manual (scanned)   466 kB PDF file
Doug Hall 4RV Voter manual (factory)   475 kB PDF file
Doug Hall 4RV Voter manual (mini)   295 kB PDF file
Doug Hall RBI-1 Remote Base Interface   415 kB PDF file
Harris RF-1525 Repeater/Mobile Radio - part 1   890 kB PDF file donated by Scott N3XCC
Harris RF-1525 Repeater/Mobile Radio - part 2   1.43 MB PDF file donated by Scott N3XCC
Building a DMR repeater from a Hytera 982i   928 kB PDF file/article by Jim Carr KC4MHH
Innovative Circuit Technology (ICT) 12V 30A DC Switching Power Supply Schematic   61 kB PDF file
KE2AM Repeater Controller   711 kB PDF file
Here's a higher resolution scan, but a larger file   6.6 MB PDF file
Both of these files were donated by Don Kirchner W5DK and contain all available documentation plus the 73 magazine review and sales sheet/advertisement.
Kantronics KPC-3-Plus manual version D   1.7 MB PDF file
Karter Electronics Simpeater - Simplex Repeater Controller   1.6 MB PDF file
Kay Switched Attenuators manual   1 MB PDF file
KDK 2033 Mobile 2m Radio   6.8 MB PDF file
Linear Modulation (British) 220 MHz Repeater Service Manual   27 MB PDF file courtesy of Matt K3MK
A high-resolution (33 MB) scanned version is available here.
MABEL AllStar Asterisk Controller for the Yaesu DR-1X   2.2 MB PDF file courtesy of Wade Oestreich KCØMLT
This is a repeater controller project for the DR-1X that allows complete analog control, with linking and lock-up prevention.
Maxon SM-4450 UHF Synthesized Mobile Radio Service Manual   19.8 MB PDF file courtesy of Don K8ZGW
This radio is identical to the GE Monogram series; it just has a different name.
MegaWatt S-350-12 Switching Power Supply Evaluation and Load Test   by Eric Lemmon WB6FLY (SK)
This inexpensive 12 volt 30 amp power supply is put through its paces.
Midian Electronics ID-1 Automatic Morse Code Station Identifier   2012 Version   320 kB PDF file
See the file below for programming details.
Midian Electronics ID-1 Automatic Morse Code Station Identifier   2007 Version   320 kB PDF file
Has detailed programming instructions and a worksheet.
Mirage B1018G 2M Mobile FM/SSB/CW RF Amplifier With Preamp   94 kB PDF file
10w in, 160w out. Factory manual with schematics; no cover sheet or specifications.
Mirage B3030G 2M Mobile FM/SSB/CW RF Amplifier With Preamp   216 kB PDF file
30w in, 300w out. Full manual with schematic. Scanned by Gary WB6YRU, cleaned up by Bob WA1MIK.
MoTron XC-2 DTMF to ASCII Transceiver Operation Guide   183 kB PDF file donated by John VE3AMZ
NorComm NC102 Tunable CTCSS Encoder/Decoder   200 kB PDF file
NorComm NC104 CTCSS Encoder   109 kB PDF file
NorComm NC105 DCS Encoder/Decoder   345 kB PDF file
NorComm NC113 DCS Encoder/Decoder Repeater Module   540 kB PDF file
NorComm Products Catalog   900 kB PDF file
NorComm is now out of business, unfortunately. They had some nice products.
Optoelectronics Scout Frequency Counter User's Manual   286 kB PDF file
Optoelectronics 3000A Frequency Counter Owner's Manual   612 kB PDF file courtesy of Bob WA1MIK. Includes revisions.
Optoelectronics 3000A Frequency Counter User's Guide   209 kB PDF file courtesy of Bob WA1MIK
Pyramid VR-100 Vehicular Repeater   334 kB PDF file
This unit extends the operation of an existing low band, VHF, 800 Mhz or 900 Mhz mobile radio to a UHF portable. Signals received by the mobile radio are transmitted to the portable. Transmitted signals from the portable get retransmitted by the mobile radio.
Racom 1300 Morse Code Station Identifier Instruction Manual   477 kB PDF file found on the web, cleaned up by WA1MIK
This seems to be aimed at the commercial two-way radio market.
Racom is still in business at
Racom 1401 CW IDer Manual   1.1 MB PDF file cleaned up by WA1MIK
You will probably want to print this short (36 kB PDF file) programming cheat-sheet (page 20 of the manual) and stuff it inside the cabinet.
Racom 1402 CW IDer Manual   3.3 MB PDF donated by Greg Beat W9GB
This is the full manual with schematic and component layout.
Ranger Communications RCI-2950DX, RCI-2970DX-150 Owner's Manual   204 kB PDF file
This is a synthesized 12-meter and 10-meter AM/FM/SSB/CW dual-band amateur mobile transceiver, rated for 25 watts SSB and 10 watts CW/AM/FM (RCI-2950) or 150 watts SSB and 50 watts CW/AM/FM (RCI-2970).
Ratelco PS-8 Power Supply Manual   2.5 MB PDF
40V, 40A version, model 106-2046-B, with extra schematics at the end. This is the same as the Motorola S-1305A power supply.
Repco 900 MHz manual   225 kB PDF file donated by Skipp May
Also bear in mind that Repco is a generic brand. Repco did/does contract manufacture and private labels/labeled their products for E. F. Johnson, Federal Sign and Signal, KAAR, Marconi and several other well known brands. Also sold as the Neulink 900 MHz tx/rx.
RF Technology (of Australia) Eclipse Repeater Manuals and Diagrams   13 MB ZIP file courtesy of Eric VE2VXT
RF Technology (of Australia) Eclipse Software   207 kB ZIP file courtesy of Eric VE2VXT
The actual name of this software is "Service Monitor 2000". This is version 2.0, anybody have the 2.2.3 version? Supposedly that was the last one.
NOTE: Several anti-virus products falsely detect this program as a Trojan Horse. It's NOT! And your page maintainer can verify that.
Comments from Joe Orrico WB6HRO: "You have to make an exception (in the antivirus) to run allow it to run. There isn't a virus or trojan in it. Then for compatibility run as Windows 95 or 98. My entire system uses these radios, I have about 30 RFT modules including spares."
Securitron 97813 CW ID unit   70 kB PDF file donated by Frank Vondra WBØQQK
Spectrum Electronic Products HRC-10 Handheld Repeater Controller Manual 12.2 MB PDF file donated by Jim Todd WBØKWJ
Symmetricon Z3801A GPS Receiver   1.1 MB PDF file
10 MHz GPS-disciplined ovenized oscillator used as a station reference frequency source.
Teletec Linear Amplifier schematics   1.3 MB PDF file
These units have a built-in switchable preamp and several colored status LEDs.
VHF-lo model DXP-L180, VHF-hi models DXP-V175 and DXP-V220, UHF model DXP-U150.
VHF-hi amplifier photos: Front   Rear   courtesy of Paul N2XZF.
Tempo S1 Owner's Manual   2.7 MB PDF file
This is the early synthesized handheld marketed by Henry Corp. The later S4 was UHF. Somewhere in there they made a 220 MHz model - I forget if it was the S2 or S3. Anyone have schematics or a service manual?
Ten-Tec 961 DC Power Supply Owner's Manual   815 kB PDF file
13.8V, 20A supply. Overly complicated.
TPL VHF-Lo Amplifier PA1 series   700 kB PDF file donated by Skipp May
TPL is apparently out of business despite their web site still being there. Does anyone know of a competent repair facility?
TPL VHF-Hi Amplifier PA3 series   490 kB PDF file donated by Skipp May
TPL UHF Amplifier PA6 series   590 kB PDF file donated by Skipp May
TPL UHF Repeater Amplifier models PA6-1AE, -1BE, -1FE   230 kB PDF file donated by Sal Calabrese N2EHS
TPL UHF Repeater Amplifiers   618 kB PDF file cleaned up by Bob WA1MIK
Models RXR, RXRPS, RXRF, RXRF2, RXRFPS, RXRF2PS. This file contains the User's Manual and the Service Manual.
Trident Raider Installation and Operation Manual Rev. 1.4.2 dated November 2007   PN:600-491   2.3 MB PDF (text searchable, missing the schematics)
Trident Raider Installation and Operation Manual Rev. 1.4.1 dated November 1999   PN:600-491   111.5 MB PDF (an image file, not text serchable, no schematics)
Schematics that should have been included in the 1.4.2 manual:   Page 1   Page 2   Page 3   Page 4   Page 5
    All five pages in a ZIP file   All five pages in a multipage PDF file
Trident Micro Systems ("TMS") in Arden, North Carolina made the Raider (spec sheet)   (front   rear), the Marauder (spec sheet)   (no photos), the Raider Extreme (spec sheet)   (front   rear), the Raider Extreme II (no data), and other LTR repeater controllers.
The Raider replaced the TNT model (that Kenwood sold for years with their name on them) and was a LTR (analog trunking) single channel controller with internal Morse Code ID and LTR airtime usage info that could be downloaded as a simple text file. Both the TNT and the the Raider were one rack unit tall (1 and 3/4 inch). It also had both CTCSS tones and DCS codes as it was designed to be a transition controller from a community repeater to an LTR repeater.
The Marauder was a Raider with a fully populated circuit board - they added an internal telephone interconnect (an autopatch that supported both outgoing and incoming calls). If anyone has a Marauder manual I'd like to have the opportunity to scan it (and will return it if you want it back).
The LTR format had limitations and was easily hacked. It was superseded by first LTR-NET, then MultiNET and finally Passport. The Raider Extreme model was the exact same circuit board as the Raider just with different PROMs and paint and implemented the Passport protocol features.
TMS was bought by Motorola in November of 2014 just for the patents and intellectual property (Passport, Connect+ and eventually DMR) and the LTR product line went away.
The Raider manuals that we have above have interfacing information for a plethora of common repeaters, and enough information to roll your own. All the Raider needs is +12vDC, receiver discriminator audio and it outputs transmit audio and transmit data. The LTR format is NOT legal on amateur frequencies as it transmits a beacon data pulse every few seconds and does it without any ID signal.
Managing a TNT, a Raider, a Marauder or an Extreme does not require a Windows PC running a virtual machine running MS-DOS running old proprietary software to manage it (like you do with the competing Zetron Model 42 or the CSI 4200)…   All you need is a female-to-female 3-wire (pins 2, 3 & 5) crossover cable and a Televideo 920-compatible terminal emulator (like ProCommPlus or ZOC).
Your page maintainer has 47 channels of LTR with Raiders, Zetron 42s and CSI 4200s in commercial service on dual Motorola GM300s, R1225s and Kenwood TKR repeaters. All are remotely managed over the internet.
He'd love to find one or two Raider Extreme II units just to experiment with them. Also any airtime billing package that supports the Trident format.
Vista XX-R 13.8VDC Power Supply   531 kB PDF
An odd design and not a very good design, which may explain why they aren't around any more. Ken K9KO reverse-engineered the supply and drew the schematic.
Vocom VVC300 VHF-Hi Amplifier   1.1 MB PDF file donated by Craig Schlicher KB5ZEQ, cleaned up by Bob WA1MIK
Wansen S-350-5 Switching Power Supply Load Test   35 kB PDF file by Eric Lemmon WB6FLY (SK)
This generic, inexpensive 350 watt, 5 Volt, 70 Amp unit is marketed as an LED lighting power supply. It was purchased by Bob WA1MIK who sent it to Eric WB6FLY for load testing. Read his Megawatt S-350-12 article above as this supply is nearly identical inside and out.
Waters Hybrid Couplers model 3001 and 3002   563 kB PDF file
The Waters phone patches were the Rolls Royce grade units of the 1960s-1970s and are still prized today. The 3002 had an additional audio leveling amplifier that worked quite well. The physical design was interesting as well: the unit could sit horizontally on top of a radio, or vertically next to it. The front panel was reversible for either mode.

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This page initially created 14-Oct-2004.

This web page, this web site, the information presented in and on its pages and in these modifications and conversions is © Copyrighted 1995 and (date of last update) by Kevin Custer W3KKC and multiple originating authors. All Rights Reserved, including that of paper and web publication elsewhere.