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Compiled By Kevin Custer W3KKC

There are separate web pages for Technical Information and for Repeater Equipment Suppliers

Web sites of Technical Groups, etc.:
Sonic Page of the website  Another good source for technical repeater information.
Amateur Repeater Builders Page  Yet another good source for technical repeater information.
Repeater Information from WA8DBW   A technical repeater information site by Rich Reese.
Spokane Repeater Group of Washington  A technical site by Karl Shoemaker AK2O.
The OH3TR Ham Radio Conversion Pages   A unique conversion site for Finnish made PMR, Trunking and NMT.
M. A. Pinfold ZL1BTB   Linear Transponder, SSB repeater and cavity information.

Web sites of Repeater Councils, etc.:
The Western Pennsylvania Repeater Council   Western PA Repeater Cooridination Council (WPRC)

Schematics and Manuals:
NJ7B's On-Line Tube Database     Data sheets on over 3500 tubes

The Two Way Radio Directory This commercial radio oriented site has links to hundreds of industry related web pages

Digital related sites:
Tuscon Amateur Packet Radio   The main packet site

Frequency Lists:
Table of NOAA (Weather) Transmitters  By Site Name, Call Sign, Frequency, Power level.

Forms and Services:
...from the FCC web site:
FCC Form 159 - Fee Remitance
FCC Form 605 - Amateur Station
FCC Form 606 - TIN Registration
FCC Filing Fee Guide
FCC OET Bulletin 65 - RF Exposure
FCC OET Bulletin 65B - Amateur Compliance
FCC Registration System (CORES)
FCC Universal Licensing System (ULS)
FCC Information (Amateur Radio Service)

...forms from the ARRL web site:
NCVEC Fees and Forms page

Club related sites:
Allegheny Highlands Repeater Association  Kevin's repeater club.
The Target Link System   Kevin and Kasey's Linked Repeater System.

Sites of interest to repeater-builders that don't fit into any of the above categories...
Home Power Magazine   The bimonthly bible of the off-the-grid community published by Richard and Karen Perez (N7BCR and KA7ETV). If you are interested in solar power for a repeater site, or in cutting your home power bill, this is the magazine for you. Since 1987, they have published over 100 issues with articles on solar, wind, and microhydro electricity, energy efficiency, solar hot water systems, space heating and cooling, green building materials and home design, efficient transportation, and more. Check out the Solar Electric Basics articles.

If you think that something needs to be added to this page, send an email to Kevin Custer W3KKC

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This page originally posted on 11-Feb-2003

This web page, this web site, the information presented in and on its pages and in these modifications and conversions is © Copyrighted 1995 and (date of last update) by Kevin Custer W3KKC and multiple originating authors. All Rights Reserved, including that of paper and web publication elsewhere.