Here is an unsolicited mailing I received from Ray W. Retzlaff II, K6PNG
I thought I would share it with you.
Hello Kevin,
I thought I would send you a picture of my first repeater that I can honestly say would not be done today without your repeater builder list and website. I know it is not much to look at but it has been on the air for a little over a year now and after tracking down a few problems (like the sprinkler timer at the site that was putting a carrier right on my input) it is running absolutely perfect I was even told by the tech that takes care of the local club repeater that he wishes he could make the clubs repeater sound this good. It consists of a duplexed GE MASTR II mobile radio set, NHRC-10 controller, Wacom WP-639 duplexer, Astron RS-35-A power supply, Andrew 1/2" hardline, and a Hustler G6-144 antenna.
Thanks again for all the help you have been and thanks for creating a site and email list like you have. I can honestly say that I have learned more about electronics by building this project than you can imagine.
Ray W. Retzlaff II
Copyright November 11, 2000 by Kevin K. Custer W3KKC, Ray
W. Retzlaff II K6PNG.
All Rights Reserved