Back to Home Two-Way Radio Keys
Compiled and HTML'd by Mike Morris WA6ILQ
Formerly Maintained by Robert Meister WA1MIK (SK)
Currently Maintained by Mike Morris WA6ILQ
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Locksmith needed....

In addition to a lot of "attaboys" (snail-mailed, emailed and verbal), WA6ILQ has received over 100 emailed requests for keys. Some I have been able to fill (by taking my keys to a locksmith for copying, then mailing the copy), some I can't (as I don't have some of the actual keys to serve as originals).

Any USA locksmith that would be willing to make radio keys as listed below please contact me at my email address listed at the bottom of this page. I can supply what originals I have, and then post a pointer on this page to you as a source (personally, I'm still looking for a PA-235, AN-125 and GE1133).

Basically I'm looking for someone that can handle all of the manufacture and distribution in exchange for contact information published here.
Shannon Shenning in Australia sent an email to repeater-builder stating he can make just about any key and ship it world-wide. His web site can be found at: and you can contact him directly at: keyking [ at ] lockskeysmore [ dot ] com.

Additions, Comments, Suggestions, Corrections to this page are welcome...
Just drop a note to the page maintainer...
(even one that just points out a typo).
...and anonymous donations are just fine...

Many commercial 2-way radios, especially the trunk mount units, have locks in their mounting arrangements, more for physical security than anything else. Back when MTS and IMTS mobile telephones were popular the mobile telephone control head had a key switch that either locked out the entire radio, or sometimes just the transmitter (some had a 2-possition switch, others had a 3-position key switch with the left-most position as off, the second position enabled the receiver and the third enabled both receive and transmit). Either way, the switch prevented unauthorized use of the phone. The control head key was not the same as the key that locked the radio into the trunk mounted bracket.

Your author has been involved in the Los Angeles amateur radio scene since the 1960s, and in the land mobile (commercial two-way) radio world since the 1970s. Over those years he's met a number of other commercial two-way professionals, and through most of them have met many more. After dinner one night Neil McKie WA6KLA (now SK) walked out to his car, opened the trunk, and pulled his radio key ring out of his toolbox. I pulled mine out of the trunk of my 1957 Buick and as we compared key rings Neil said "someone should put together a master list of these keys" and that comment was a "spark plug" for this compilation.

I compiled the original version of this list for a Los Angeles area ham radio group about 1968. I started with the current Motorola Buyer's Guide info and added the non-Motorola information that a few friends and I had. The first version of this list lived on a stack of 3x5 cards; later on the first machine readable version was a roll of Teletype paper tape. When I built my CP/M system using an 8 inch floppy sometime in the late 1970s it went to a Visicalc spreadsheet and then later to a DBase file. I got my IBM PC in Febuary of 1982. It went to the internet on this web page about 2002... Just one more of your authors attempts to "share the wealth", so to speak.

I'd like to thank the readers of the Repeater-Builder, Motorola, GE and the LMR mailing lists on Yahoo! Groups (now for help in ID'ing some of the keys I didn't have info on...

YOUR HELP IS NEEDED!   If anybody can ID any more of the unknowns, fill in where I have blank space or question marks ("??") or add missing brands like Aerotron, ComCo, Dumont, E.F.Johnson, Fairchild, Icom, Kenwood, Link, Midland, Marconi, PYE, Tait, Uniden, Yaesu / Standard / Vertex, etc., everybody will benefit. I have listed key-cut information where I had it, if anyone can add missing key-cut info please send it to me. And if you want to send it anonymously that is just fine...

Note: All of the information below is for stock factory locks. In the days of radios locked into trunk-mount brackets many large fleet orders (like a police or fire department) included wording specifying a "different", "non-standard" or similar for the radio lock as part of the "Request For Quote" - as too many folks that shouldn't have keys had them. Motorola had a number of "fleet keys" that they would use if the RFQ wording allowed it (counting on a key used in a fleet in Nowheresville Kansas would not be known to a fleet operator in Somewhere Nevada), however sometimes the contract terms specified a totally unique key. Keys that I've run into that could have been fleet keys include the 2165, 2387, 2395 and 2567.

Many lock changes were made by local locksmiths or the two-way shops at the request of individual radio system owners to improve overall system security. This is especially true when radio cabinets went into shared buildings in a competitive environment. And many locks were changed just because it was corporate policy; for example, railroads were (and still are) famous for having their own specialty locks on many things, not just radios and cabinets.

Another note: 90% of my generic locks and keys knowledge is 1970s vintage as I spent one summer in the 1970s working three afternoons a week for a locksmith friend of my dad. I learned a little and when given access to the proper equipment I can copy a key, I can pin a Kwikset or Schlage cylinder, I can cut keys from code, but I claim zero professional knowledge of locks and locksmithing.

Motorola has used Chicago Lock and Key corporation as it's primary lock supplier since the late 1940s, CLK makes a huge variety of locks, many of which are interchangeable. The "H" series of locks are very common in the Motorola product line, and CLK makes the high security ACE locks in a wide variety of barrel lengths, including two that happen to fit the front and back doors of the common Motorola station cabinets plus a third that fit the front of a Motrac / Motran. I know this as I have seen several rekeyed cabinets at various radio sites (including one with a standard household Schlage deadbolt mounted in the door!) plus at one point I had a six foot Motorola base station cabinet that had ACE locks front and rear plus a Motrac mobile with an ACE lock, all of which were keyed alike (fortunately the cabinet came to me with the key). The ACE lock is a pick-resistant tubular lock similar to what you see on some vending machines. Click here for a photo of an ACE lock and key. For comparison, here's a photo of a double-bitted lock, the Chicago Lock and Key "H" blank.

If you need a key made from this list, look in your local yellow pages phone book for a real locksmith. The locksmith shop I patronize has been in business since the 1930s and when I first started visiting them was owned by the grandson of the original owner / founder, and now is owned by the then-general-manager who bought it from the grandson after none of his kids was interested. I have no problem with paying a little more at that shop, as they have a huge shelf stock, don't mind placing special orders for me, and only once (since 1965) have I had to go back and have a key recut.

Note that some of the keys listed below are cut on some key blanks that are not in the shelf stock of every locksmith. I have provided blank information when I have it so you can call ahead and see if the locksmith has the blank in stock before you drive across town. Illinois Lock Co ("ILCO") and Curtis are two prominent makers of key blanks, and the blank for almost any key in the world can be found in the catalogs of one or both companies. Then there are the key code books that are put together by the locksmithing organizations, and note that some of the keys are not in the code books, or there is no code book, or the locksmith can't afford the code book for the increased amount of business he would get from having it (i.e. the locksmith might have the specialty key blanks and not the code book, some of which are over USD$250 for something the size of a Reader's Digest but half as thick and printed single sided and double-spaced). In these cases you'll need to borrow somebody else's original key to have it copied. My first radio key ring was generated by bribing a local two-way tech to join me at a locksmith's, hand his radio key ring over the counter, and wait while eight keys were copied. He got a steak dinner, I was able to open RCA CarPhones and CMU-15s, GE Pre-Progs and Progs, Motorola 80Ds, GGTs, Motracs and base station cabinets. I still have those eight keys... but the key ring itself is now about six inches in diameter!

Note that the keys in the photos are only representative. If you order one from Motorola / GE / whomever or get one retail (from Toro / Ewing / whomever), or if it is cut a a local locksmith from a box-o-blanks it may look different. For example, I've seen at least six different heads on CH751 keys from different sources (Motorola, Generac, Johnson, Ewing Irrigation (the Toro key), the local RV shop, the local RV generator repair shop, etc).

And different lock and blank manufacturers label keys differently. One may call it a CH-751, a BF-10A, or a GE-004, and others call it a CH751, a BF10A or a GE004 (without the dash / hyphen).

I'd like to thank Sid Ashen-Brenner NØOBM for some of the detailed info, and both Jeff Oberg and Maurice Onraet AA3YK for the photos of many of the keys.
If anyone can take photos available of any keys listed below that do not have photos, please do so and email them in.

From an anonymous email to repeater-builder:

The Motorola keys can be ordered directly from Chicago Lock Company; all you need to do is identify them. If they aren't stamped with the number (i.e. already a copy) this can be done with a actual-size-silhouette book that most every locksmith has. Just place the key over the silhouette and when you find the one that matches exactly, that's it!

Now you can order it precut by the number directly from Chicago Lock. I've been told that they will do small quantities, but I don't know if they will do just one or two.

I used to carry all of the Harley Davidson keys that same way. I think that then there were only six.

The double-sided Chicago Lock keys (the "H" blank) are a bugger to copy. Very close tolerance as the key (master) is actually placed into the lock and then the "tumblers" are cut with a mechanism that resembles a hole saw.

Hope this helps!

Keys for Motorola Radios

How to order from Motorola: The web page on How to order from Motorola might be of interest. you can call 800-422-4210 to order, navigate through their automated attendant / voice-response menu; they take credit / debit cards. Unless you need to order something else at the same time, it's probably cheaper (and a lot quicker) to go to your local locksmith and have him cut the key or keys you need from the code book... just call ahead and make sure that he has the book and the blanks in stock.
And here's a scan of the 1/3 of a page that the 1978 Motorola Buyers Guide devoted to keys.
Key Number What It Fits Key Blank
Motorola Part Number Comments
1684 Station cabinets ?? 55851487 These are the really, really old (pre 1960s) station cabinets. Most had a black crinkle finish. I've not seen one in use since the mid 1980s.
2007 Paging system cabinets, trunking equipment cabinets "H" NLA
see note
No Longer Available from Motorola Parts.
This key was specific to the "Nucleus" paging system but was also used in some other system cabinets, including the early Quantars. It also fits the key switch in a big percentage of the self-serve soda fountains found in Southern California (probably elsewhere in the country too) fast food chain outlets and movie theaters - any that have a key switch on the side or under the plastic hood (the 2009 fits some of the rest of them...)
Click for fountain photo (and the key switch could be on either side).
If your locksmith can't cut one for you, one source of this key is a company that sells parts for or repairs soda fountains. Your local mom-n-pop fast food place can probably point you at a soda fountain parts house or repair service (don't bother asking at a big chain outlet like Seven-Eleven, Jack-In-The-Box, Carl's Junior, or McDonalds - 99.9% of the employees and 85% of the managers are completely clueless and just call their company field service guys, even if it's a franchise store as opposed to a company owned store).
Click for key photo.
From an email (August 2009): "I got a 2007 key by catching a McDonald's company field service guy as he was leaving a job. I showed him a photo of my (locked) cabinet and a printout of the keys page, and your photo of the soda fountain with the arrow pointing at the lock. I offered him $20 to come three blocks down the street to a locksmith and let me have him copy his 2007 key. He said "Sure, but I want a promise you aren't going to tamper with my soda fountains". And that's how I got my cabinet open. Thanks for creating the Keys Page!"
H2111 Suitcase Components "H" ?? This is the suitcase key for a a system that Moto made in multiple suitcases for the Secret Service and some other U.S. Government TLAs (Three Letter Agencies). The system included the P1350AX Tri-Pack Portable Full-Duplex Base Station, the P1578A Tri-Pack Portable 100W RF Power Amplifier and the P1581A Portable Console.
2135 Mobile radios, and lots more, see comments. "H" 55893872 This is the Motorola mobile key, price was $2.04 in early 2006. Years ago life was simple: the 2135 was exclusively for mobiles, the 2553 was exclusively for base station and repeater cabinets. Not any more. These days you need both as the 2135 is being used on cabinets as well. The 2135 fits almost all of the key-lock mobile equipment made since the early-1950s (the pre-Motrac tube-type mobiles in 10 inch wide housings - the GGV / GGT / GGB series), the Motrac, Motran, Mocoms, Business Dispatchers, MICOR, Mitrek, Maratrac, Syntor, Spectra, etc. It also fits most of the table top base stations - those labeled "Consolette", "Consolette Station", "Super Consolette Station", the compact floor mount cabinets ("Compa Stations", "MSR2000", "MSF5000", "PURC", "PURC5000") and more. As an aside, this key also fits some in-building wheelchair lift key locks, as well as the daily / sunday price change control on some newspaper racks. Any police / fire department radio shop or Motorola two-way radio shop that advertises in your local Yellow Pages probably has a bunch of these lying in a desk drawer somewhere - they shipped two with every mobile radio and usually the radio shop installers kept them (sometimes they gave one to the vehicle owner, but not always). If you can't find one from a Motorola dealer you might check your local Yellow Pages for a local dealer of Toro brand commercial irrigation equipment (i.e. golf courses, city parks, vineyards, orchards, commercial nurseries, horse racing tracks, etc) - this key was used in some of their control equipment cabinets. Ask for a "VT4/Network 8000 pedestal key" to receive the 2135. One source is Ewing Irrigation, (pronounced "You-ing") a nationwide chain that has over 150 branches in 20 states and does mail order.
Click for key photo.
2141 The key switch in IMTS mobile telephone control heads "H" 55820001 Trunk mount tube-vintage mobile telephones had a key switch in the control head faceplate that allowed the vehicle owner to disable the mobile telephone - for example in a situation where he left the vehicle at a upscale restaurant, or an auto mechanics (the radio itself used a PA-235, 2135, BF-10 or BF-10A). A lot of the heads were made by Harris or ITT and were used on both Motorola and GE radios. This is a rarely needed key - however I have seen a shop burgular alarm system that used a recycled key switch from an ITT head.
Click for key photo
2154 Suitcase repeaters "H"   This key might be used on othes others, but definitely the Motorola P43SXS VHF suitcase repeater. For more details click here.
2159 Suitcase repeaters "H"   Model numbers of these units include P1820AX and P1821AX (MX handheld based and Spectra mobile based suitcase repeaters)
2165 ? "H"   ?? (this was on a Motorola technician's key ring... maybe a fleet key?)
2252 The key switch in MTS and IMTS mobile telephone control heads and later Converta-Com drop-in mobile handheld chargers "H" 55820002 This is a rarely needed key. MTS units were pre-IMTS trunk mount tube-type mobile telephones (the radio itself used a PA-235, 2135, BF-10 or BF-10A). A lot of the heads were made by Harris, Secode or ITT and were used on Motorola, GE and RCA mobile radios.
Click for key photo (courtesy of Jim Kirkpatrick KB7BUP).
See note... "H"   Something Motorola... Either a fleet key or a Special Product of some sort.
The tech that had these had all his Motorola keys on one key ring, all his GE keys on another, and everything else on a third. This was on the Motorola ring.
Emailed update: an email stated that "I do know that the 2387 was used on some early Motorola siren units. After sirens stopped having keys it was not used for a while and then was used on some SyntorX and Spectra radio external encryption modules (3-letter agencies)."
2415 ?? "H"   ?? (this was on a Motorola technician's key ring... maybe a fleet key?)
C2418 Motorola Computer System Cabinets "H"   These cabinets are bigger and deeper than the standard six foot tall radio cabinet - generally found in computer aided dispatch systems, computer controlled paging systems, trunking system controllers, among other applications. When the site agreement specifies "one cabinet", but doesn't say how big, then this is the one to use since you can mount twice as much equipment in it... one set on the rack rails just inside the front door of the cabinet and the other set on the rails just inside the rear door... And the cabinet side panels pop off in a few minutes so you can get to the back of both sets of equipment. (anyone know who the cabinet manufacturer was?)
Click for key photo (courtesy of Marc Mallett N9KHI).
2553 Indoor station cabinets "H" 55837339 This is the base station / repeater cabinet key, price was $2.08 in early 2006, but see the comments on the 2135 key above. The 2553 fits almost all of the indoor base station and repeater cabinets made since the early-to-mid-1960s (all the way back to the tube-type "BR series" vintage table top and "BY Series" 6 foot and 7 foot base station cabinets). Any police / fire department radio shop or Motorola two-way radio shop that advertises in your local Yellow Pages probably has a bunch of these lying in a desk drawer somewhere - they shipped two with every station cabinet and the installers / servicemen usually kept one or both of the keys.
Click for key photo
2567 (see note) "H"   Found on a new-in-the-box MaxTrac / Radius / GM300 locking mounting bracket model HLN9617A (the catalog calls it a trunnion bracket). The paperwork says it normally uses a 2135. This could be one of the "fleet keys".
6K11 Motorcycle radio locking mounting rack ???? 55851487 "Transistorized Dispatcher" series (1958-1965)
AN-125 Older tube-type mobiles ??? 55857665 Tube mobiles from the 1950s
AU-234 Older tube-type mobiles ???? 5587144 Some pre-Motrac tube mobiles such as the FMTRU-5V with separate RX and TX housings
Outdoor (weatherproof) station cabinets   55837361
(two keys)
This key fits, among other things, the so-called "J cabinet". The "J-Cabinet" was a late tube era outdoor / weather-resistant heavy steel cabinet and the name was derived from the radio model number. At that time an inside base station might have the model number of C74MSY, the exact same radio in an outdoor cabinet would be a J74MSY. The J-cabinet used the CH-751 key and it was the only Motorola product that used it for a long time. The J-cabinet is probably the most common weatherproof / outdoor cabinet that will be found at hamfests. It can be identified by the square corners, the air vent at the lower right side, the rain gutters over the doors and the fact that the lock is mounted in a nickel plated rotating handle. I've also seen one custom tall outdoor cabinet made by torching the top off of one J-cabinet and the bottom out of another and welding them on top of each other (well, if the site owner charges by the horizontal rack space or by the horizontal square foot then where do you put the high band duplexer if you can't sling it from the cable trays? Either you put it in the lower cabinet and have to use a ladder to service the radios, or you hang the duplexer upside down (shorter cable length) in the upper cabinet.

This key also fits some Comco radios, some EFJ (Johnson) mobile units and the early EFJ weatherproof cabinets, some Federal Signal brand equipment (i.e. police car and fire truck sirens), some Cummins, Onan and Generac generator cabinets, some Toro and Rainbird brand sprinkler controllers, some pickup truck shell and RV locks, some computer / network equipment rack cabinets and some file cabinets.
Most RV dealers / suppliers and Generac parts houses usually have this key in stock, as well as the Toro and RainBird commercial irrigation dealers which will probably have the 2135 as well (see "Ewing Irrigation" mentioned above).
Note that the Motorola part number above is for a pair of CH751s, and they will ding you for about $6 (early 2006 prices).
Click for key photo
MOT-1 Converta-Coms
or "Mobile Vehicular Adapters"
or "MVA"s
5505821D02 This key fits most of the mobile handheld drop-in chargers: the MX series, the MT1000, the MT500 (some, but not all), STX and many others. Price was $2.08 in early 2006.

One trick to this key: the MOT-1 key has the exact same cuts as found on a 2135 key, but it's made on a different blank. So if you need one, and don't have one to copy, just have the locksmith copy your 2135 onto the Ilco 1041-N blank but use the comparison photo to get it rightside up. Thanks to Robert J. for this tip.
Click for key photo
MOT-2 Converta-Coms   5586156A02 This barrel key resembles the "ACE" locks mentioned above but only has 4 pins. It is used with the newer mobile charger ("XTVA") for the XTS5000 and XTS3000 handhelds. Might be used for the APX handheld version as well.
Thanks to Jacob ADØJA for sending photos "a" and "b" from the web.
Thanks to Tim KA8VIR for photos "c" and "d"
Click for photo "a"     Click for photo "b"     Click for photo "c"     Click for photo "d"
PA-235 Some 15 inch mobile housings   55890568 Later pre-Motrac tube mobiles in the 15 inch wide housings such as the FMTRU-80D or 140D.
Click for key photo
6680163F01 Vehicle Interface Port (VIP) connector (special) 6680163F01 This is the pin removal tool for the connector that mated with the VIP port on the Syntor / Syntor X / Syntor X9000 control head.
Moto calls it the "6680163F01 Insertion and Extraction Tool".
Click for key photo
66B84690C01 Systems-90 cable connectors (special) 66B84690C01 I've heard this referred to as "the MICOR head pin tool", "the Charlie tool" or as "the Charlie-zero-one tool" (from the part number) or "the MICOR control head cable connector tool", but "the Charlie tool" seems to be the most common printable name. This key is stamped from flat stainless steel sheet metal as as a pin extractor for the Systems 90 connectors. See the photo. It's available only from Motorola Parts, or possibly your friendly neighborhood two-way shop (one was shipped with every MICOR and with every Systems 90 control head).

The "key" is 0.030 inches thick and the tang at the end is 0.050 inches across and roughly 0.150 long. The shaft is 0.110 wide, and the head is 1 inch long by 1/2 inch wide.

You can take a piece of 0.030 inch shim stock, or even a cheap awl from the local hardware store and grind or file it down and get the same functionality.
Click for key photo
66B84690C02 Syntor, Syntor X, Syntor X9000 Contact Pin Removal Tool (special) 66B84690C02 I've heard this referred to as "the Syntor head pin tool" or as "the Charlie-zero-two tool" (from the part number). Click for key photo. It's available only from Motorola Parts (under $2 in 2003), or your friendly neighborhood two-way shop (one was shipped with every Syntor / Syntor X / Syntor X9000). This key is just slightly different from the Charlie-zero-one tool above but they're probably interchangeable. Click for a photo of both.
6680947W01 MaxTrac, Radius, GM300, GTX, CDM, etc. mobile radio Accessory Connector Contact Pin Removal Tool (special) 6680947W01
But you can't
order this part
(see text)
This is the little flat black rectangular metal key that releases the locking tang on the pins that fit into the plastic accessory plugs on the back of many mobile radios including the MaxTrac, Radius, GM300, GTX, CDM series. maybe others. It is documented in the GM300 article in the Motorola MaxTrac section on this web site and is shown in the MaxTrac accessory plug data sheets as part number HLN9491. The actual key is stamped 6680947W01.

Neither the HLN9491 number listed in the accessory sheets nor the 66 part number stamped on the key is listed in the Motorola-On-Line data base, so either it's been replaced with something else, or it's not available as a separate part. I've seen them sold on eBay separately and one is included with some of the radio accessory plug and jumper kits.

This key is made from thin spring metal. The key is 0.020 inches thick and the tang at the end is 0.035 inches wide. One could probably be filed or ground down from an old clock spring or the flat part of a dull hacksaw blade, or even a piece of 0.020 inch steel shim stock. Or a cheap awl from the local hardware store and grind or file it down - but it would be awfully thin and fragile.

If you are just getting started in MaxTracs or GM300s the simplest way to get one of these keys is to order a HLN9242A kit (about $8 in late 2007) as you get a connector body, 16 loose pins, 9 pre-ended wires, and the 6680947W01 pin removal tool. Then as you use the parts from the kit you order additional ones from DigiKey or Mouser (part numbers are in the MaxTrac article)
Click for key photo - and the key ring doesn't come with it! (This key ring spends its life snapped on one of the three rings inside the binder that holds a set of MaxTrac manuals.)
Note: The abbreviation "H" in the "Blank Information" column means Chicago Lock and Key "H" series blank. Ilco - a big supplier in the locksmith's trade - calls it a 1041-G blank, and most larger locksmiths have it in shelf stock. But I recommend you call ahead and check before you drive across town.

What you really need on your key ring: Depending on which Motorola radios that you will see in the field or at the hamfests or swap meets, you need a 2135 (mobiles, smaller floor cabinets and tabletop cabinets) and a 2553 (base station and repeater cabinets). Having a CH751 on your keyring wouldn't hurt and will open most of the weatherproof cabinets you see at hamfests plus some other "interesting" things as well. Add a 2007 only if you have one of the cabinets that uses it, or if you may run across one that you need to open (and you never know what will be around the next corner at a hamfest or swap meet).
If you are into handhelds or mobile handheld chargers then you will want to add a 2552, a MOT-1 and a MOT-2.
If you play with the radios that uses that style of cable connectors the key ring that lives in your workbench toolbox needs the MaxTrac / GM300 tool and the other Charlie tools.
The rest of the Motorola keys listed above are special interest stuff.

Keys for GE / Ericsson / Com-Net Critical Communications / M/A-Com /
Tyco / Harris / 
(whatever their name is this month) Radios

How to order: (The author of this web page is not as familiar with GE as he is with Motorola.
Can somebody provide ordering info similar to what is listed above for Motorola?)
Thanks to Jeff Workman for the GE part numbers.
Key Number What it fits Key Blank
GE Part Number Comments
004, GE 004,
GE-004 or GE004
Delta mobile locking brackets Hudson 19B800004P3 Click for key photo If you can't find the right blank, you can use a Y13 blank as these two photos show:
Click for left hand key photo     Click for right hand key photo
Paul Robertson N2XZF reports that the BF-10A key will open a GE004 lock if it is pulled out a "little" and wiggled "just right".
0012, GE 0012 Panther hand-held vehicular charger      
161, 188, 261, 288 Phoenix mobile locking brackets     Also known as a GE-161, GE-188, GE-261, GE-288
242 Older station cabinets     Also known as a GE-242
1333 Some Orion motorcycle cases   19B80471P1 and P2 Also known as a GE 1333, GE-1333 or GE1333
Click for key photo Thanks to Dan Karg KØTI for the photo
??? MRK Vehicular charger   205-0101-001
Click for key photo Thanks to Dennis Boone KB8ZQZ
There is NO number stamped on this key, but the bag obviously has the 804717 part number on it. This key is cut from the same blank, and has the same pattern, as the GE1333 key above.
Anybody know why there are multiple numbers?
Anybody know what is stamped on the key itself?
1133 Rangr mobile locking brackets   MPDM01167 Another photo of a key stamped "1133" with a rather strange part number showed up.
Click for key photo Thanks to Dennis Boone KB8ZQZ.
There seems to be some mixup and confusion between the MRK, 1133, and 1333 keys.
??? Some Orion Motorcycle boxes   F29 / 4P-04-0174A-01 Anybody know what is stamped on the key itself?
or BF10
Progress Line, TPL line and some others Yale, Curtis, Ilco Y14 or an Ilco o1122AR (sometimes listed as 01122AR)   This one looks like a short BF-10A
The Y14 blank is longer than necessary for this key but shortening a blank is a trivial thing for a locksmith to do.
The Progress Line was an all-tube trunk-mount radio, the TPL was a hybrid mobile with the transistorized receiver built into the oversize control head and the tube transmitter in the trunk. The TPL radio control heads used the shallow BF10 lock because space inside a TPL head was at a premium. As far as I know the BF10 was never used on a radio cabinet.
Click for key photo
Eric Lemmon WB6FLY commented in an email that a lock for the BF10 key has only two wafers, and is very shallow... A lock for the BF10A key has five wafers. The BF10 key is made using the first two cuts of the BF10A key, so either the BF10 or the BF10A key will open the BF10 lock. Obviously, a BF10 key will NOT open a BF10A lock.
By comparison, a lock for the 1000GE key has six wafers, which makes it the most secure against manipulation of all the stock GE cabinet locks except the cylindrical ACE design.
At the time of this update one can still buy BF10, BF10A, and LL47 keys from New London Technologies ("NLT"), but the 1000GE key is NLA from them.
or BF10A
Mobile radios, some Desk-Mate cabinets, some handheld vehicular chargers and some station cabinets Yale, Curtis, Ilco Y14 or an Ilco o1122AR (sometimes listed as 01122AR) B5491682P4 Most mobiles in the MASTR Pro, MASTR Exec, MASTR Exec II, Royal Exec, MASTR II, and later series, some IMTS heads, some station cabinets, and some other items. Some keys are labeled BF10A (without the dash/hyphen).
Generally the base stations in the short cabinets were BF-10A. The tall (6 foot and 7 foot) base station cabinets used the GE-1000 key.
See the above note above in the BF-10 section about the Y14 blank and the differences between the BF-10 and the BF-10A.
The BF-10A key also fits a lot of the door locks in old Studebaker pickup trucks!
The BF10A was also used on some GE circuit-breaker panel door locks installed in the early 1980s. If you need one and the local GE dealer doesn't have one ask any old-time industrial or commercial electrician if you can copy his. Or a Studebaker enthusiast.
Click for key photo
BF-11A ??? Yale B5491682P27 Does anybody have any idea what this fits?
Station cabinets Yale
see note
19B209539P3 The locks that this key fits are most commonly found on the tall (6 foot and 7 foot) base station cabinets. Generally the short base station cabinets used the BF-10A. Despite the fact that the factory key is stamped 1000GE, don't be surprised if you hear folks call this a GE-1000. The real Yale blank is rare but the Ilco 101AM, also known as an "AP1" blank, will work just fine (it has an additional, harmless thin groove on the side of the blank). Chicago's key blank code is "K101". Call ahead and verify that your locksmith has either the Ilco or the Chicago blank as they aren't in everybody's shelf stock.
Click for key photo.
H2002, H2023, H2035 ??? "H" 19B209276P5 The GE part number is for a set of one each of the three keys. According to an email from Dave WB8APD "These fit the old GE Manual IMTS Control heads used with the GE CC56 series MTS manual mobile radios. I think I still have some of those keys..."
Click for key photo
H2030 Motorcycle Boxes "H"   some Delta, RANGR
LL-47 Early vehicular chargers for the PE45 and PE46 portables and some PY portables (4EP72C10 and 4EP72C11), some PR chargers and some Progress Line indoor station cabinets Yale B5491682P17 These are the old black vehicular chargers (the newer ones that use the BF-10 are ivory/brown). Thanks to John Holden N7IQV for the info
Click for key photo Thanks to Dan Karg KØTI for the photo
or LL201
Pre-Progress Line mobiles and Progress Line mobiles Yale The Y14 will work. Also fits some "Desk-Mate" (MASTR Pro vintage) base station cabinets and some wierd GE padlocks. The Desk-mate cabinet was about the size of a deep two-drawer file cabinet. The side panels lifted off to expose both sides of a 19 inch rack that was a little over two feet tall.
Click for key photo. According to Jim Kirkpatrick WB7BUP (who provided it) "The photo of the LL201 is of a copy, not an original key, so I'm 'only' 95% sure that's what it is."
Click for a photo of a "real" LL201.
or LL802
Pre-Progress Line mobiles Yale   Also fits "VO" series six foot tall station cabinets
see note
Special - see note     The first three characters of the key number might be zero-one-one or zero-ell-one or zero-eye-one, or the first character could be the letter "oh". Here is a similar 112B key with the same confusing first three characters.
This key was used in the power on/off key switch on the custom control head GE made for a special order of several thousand UHF MASTR II E-case radios that were installed in the Southern California Rapid Transit District busses in the early 1980s. The source of this info said this key was also used on a number of other GE special order radios and/or control heads. There are no markings on the blank except for the stamped-in key number.

What you really need on your key ring: As far as the GE radios that you will see in the field or at the hamfests or swapmeets, you need at least a BF10A and a 1000GE on your key ring. Add an LL201 since Desk-Mates are nice cabinets for base stations and link radios and depending on the vintage they use a BF10A or an LL-201, and I've seen both MASTR II and III stations in Desk-Mate cabinets. I've also seen four Desk-Mates bolted into a single stack at a radio site (well, they were stacked, I hope they were bolted...). A CH-751 wouldn't hurt and will open other things as well. A GE004 and an GE1133 would be nice if you are into Deltas and RANGRs. Everything else is special interest stuff.

Manufacturers other than GE or Motorola
Have I missed something? Contributions are welcome!
What it fits Key Blank
761 Harris RF transceivers "H"   Possibly C761
Click for key photo
C298 ITT control head Briggs and Stratton   See the comments above on MTS / IMTS control heads.
2059 Aerotron indoor cabinets and most mobiles "H"   Thanks to Marshall KØADM, who has had an original factory key since the early '80s. Mark N7TYJ reports that the same key fits the mobiles. Lance N2HBA claims that it fits all Aerotron radios.
Click for key photo
MRCA RCA mobiles     Despite more than one person stating that the "M" in "MRCA" stands for "mobile", this key fits a lot of the RCA station cabinets. I do not know what key fits the others. It also fits the once very numerous RCA Super-Carfone 500 trunk deck lock, from the 1960s onward to end of production. The RCA Carfone Fifty from 1957 used a completely different Chicago double bitted lock which is very difficult to pick. Thanks to Chris Wetzel KD8TNF for those tips. This key also fits a lot of the locks on Kelvinator refrigerators from the late 60s and early 70s (yes, they had a cabinet lock mounted in the door and it functioned similar to an automobile door lock in that it locked the refrigerator door handle). Thanks to Rich Osman, N1OZ for that tip.
Click for MRCA key photo       Click for RCA key photo
C273A Later EF Johnson cabinets National D8785 or Ilco 1069N   This key fits the CR1000 repeater and the 30 inch, the 42 inch, and the 75 inch indoor cabinets and the locking synthesized mobile units. The key cut information is 22121. The earlier mobile units used a CH-751. Thanks to K4REL for the information.
C415A EF Johnson cabinets, also see note National D8785 or Ilco 1069N   This key fits the EFJ base stations and mobiles made in the 1970s and 1980s, plus equipment racks and cabinets sold by Control Data Corporation to house their Network Processing Units (high speed serial lines, pre-ethernet) around the late 1970s and early 1980s. It will also work on True brand commercial refrigerators and freezers, open some Rowe / AMI jukeboxes and Genmega and Hantle ATMs. This key is also found on some HON and Tennsco brand file cabinets. It was also used on electrical equipment rack cabinets for GE industrial motor-generator and conveyor belt control equipment (timers, contactors etc.) in the late 1960s and possibly early 1970s. Digital Equipment Corp used this key on the VAX computer cabinets. It will let you open and tamper with Diebold AccuVote election machines (yes, do a Google search on Diebold C415a and read the Slashdot article about how easily your vote can be tampered with, and why several areas have gone back to a paper ballot that can be recounted if necessary). This same key will open some hotel mini-bars. If you need one, do a google seach for "C415 key".
Or have your local locksmith cut the code 12343 on either of the blanks listed.
Click for key photo
M7002 EF Johnson "Rydax"
Corbin   Rydax was a post-IMTS / pre-cellular mobile telephone system that worked very, very well but was not marketed properly and died. Fewer than three dozen systems totaling less than a couple thousand mobiles were installed nationwide. If you can find a Rydax base you will have a well-designed continuous-duty 100w UHF duplex base once you disconnect the control shelf. Add an external repeater controller like an Scom, NHRC, Link, Arcom, etc. and you will have a very nice (but orphan) UHF repeater.
Some Tait cabinets 702: Ilco IN-8
or Y11
  The 702 info came anonymously to the page maintainer. The 702 key photo has the micrometer measurments for the key cuts. Click for key photo
Systcom mobile phones     MTS and IMTS era briefcase phones and mobile phones
0200 Uniden "Force"

Ilco 1120D
  Uniden of Japan tried to break into the USA LMR market and almost made it. There are a large number of Uniden radios "out there" with next to no support.
Cast into the key blank is the name "Takigen", and stamped into it is 0200.
Click for a key photo pair courtesy of Scott Zimmerman.
Click for a second key photo (small)     Click for a second key photo (large) courtesy of Kevin Valentino.
Click for yet another key photo This is on an Ilco 1120D blank.
A reader sent information regarding hand-cutting this key. Read about it here.
BH018 Glenayre Base/Repeater stations     Click for a key photo courtesy of Jacob ADØJA.

Unknown and special interest keys

These are keys that have been found on various two-way technician's key rings over the years but for which both the tech couldn't remember or had no clue, and I was unable to figure out anything on my own as far as the LMR / two-way industry in concerned (for all I know the keys might fit somebody's rekeyed radio cabinet, a shop burglar alarm system key switch, a toolbox, a padlock, or even grandma's liquor cabinet...)
I'm listing them because something here may be of use to a radio enthusiast. If anybody wishes to contribute, I'd be happy to list the info.
Key Blank
What it is known to fit, and other comments
2040 "H" Often used in elevator panels and/or security/alarmpanels, both of which may need to be accessed to get to a building mechanical or utility room to work on a repeater...
Click for key photo
2055 "H" Something Motorola, but also fits some Bobrick brand bathroom paper product dispenser locks(!) See also CAT74 below
Click for key photo
C2132 "H" Among other things, the Texas Instruments 960 and 980 series minicomputer front panel key switches and the cabinets they were in (mid 1970s). I have heard that there was a paging equipment company that used TI 980 computers as paging system controllers.
Click for key photo (which is courtesy of Jim Kirkpatrick WB7BUP).
CAT30 Ilco S1000V or Ilco EX CO68 Also found on some furniture cabinet locks. Key cuts for the CAT30 are 13513.
Click for key photo
CAT60 Ilco S1000V or Ilco EX CO68 Some electrical panels and Fenwall fire alarm panels, possibly other items? Key cuts for the CAT60 are 31135.
Click for key photo. This photo shows a key stamped "Corbin". The newer keys are stamped "CCL"
CAT74 Ilco S1000V or Ilco EX CO68 among other things, Bobrick brand washroom products locks(!) The CAT74 is used on the low-end, the 2055 on the high-end products. Key cuts for the CAT74 are 15351.
Click for key photo
E114   Among other things, American Specialties Inc. washroom products.
Click for key photo
MELMK ALCO The key had "Alco" cast into the brass, and "MELMK" stamped into it... and was on a GE tech's key ring.
Ilco Y13 AC power panels made by "Square D" company. Some keys are labeled with SR, some with NSR. They look to be the same key...
For more details, including a photo of the NSR key, click here.
Click here for a SR251 photo.
As mentioned above in the Motorola section the abbreviation "H" in the "Blank Information" column means Chicago Lock and Key "H" series blank (an Ilco 1041-G blank).

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This page created and originally posted on by WA6ILQ March 2002

This web page is Copyright © Michael R. Morris WA6ILQ March 2002 and date of last update.
Thanks go to Carol Gloyd (SK), WA1MIK (SK), WA6KLA (SK), KA6LSD (SK), N6ALD, WB6SLC and everyone mentioned above for key information.

This web page, this web site, the information presented in and on its pages and in these modifications and conversions is © Copyrighted 1995 and (date of last update) by Kevin Custer W3KKC and multiple originating authors. All Rights Reserved, including that of paper and web publication elsewhere.