Jimmy Hatlo on ham radio A
newspaper cartoon from the early 1960s
How to
Solder A 73 magazine cover that earlier had been a Mad Magazine cover
When the MICOR squelch first came out, its ability to automatically trim the squelch
tail length from a normal tail on a noisy signal to zero tail on a 20dB quieting (or
better) signal was unique. The squelch chip was custom made by Moto Semi for Moto Comm.
The chip can be installed in almost any receiver - and was (even in tube-type receivers).
This cartoon
was drawn by a ham who knows the Johnson FM radios inside outside and backwards.
Here's a version oriented for printing.
A Schlitz beer ad from the 1950s
The white block of text reads "Here's a message from Milwaukee. This thoughtful wife knows
that the moment her husband tunes in on Schlitz that reception is good. For Schlitz has a
very special taste that beer lovers are changing to with ultra high frequency. Taste Schlitz,
yourself. You'll soon know why."
How many mailing list members does
it take to change a light bulb?
You know you are a radio nut when...
The Dog...
How To Sound Like A LID
You've been looking at resistor color
codes too long when...
Here's the June 1, 2006 issue of the comic strip "Suburban Jungle", which is a web-only strip
drawn by John Robey. The main web site is at
http://roughhouse.suburbanjungle.com/. Check
out the "About" page.
Albert Einstein, when asked to describe radio said: "You see, wire telegraph is a kind of
a very, very long cat. You pull his tail in New York and his head is meowing in Los Angeles.
Do you understand this? And radio operates exactly the same way: you send signals here, they
receive them there. The only difference is that there is no cat."
What WWV will sound like if it were sold to
Clear Channel Communications and given the tag name of "The Tick"
More Humor
(offsite link)
More Humor from
AC6V (offsite link)
What the customer
wanted, what the customer got, and how it got there (classic cartoon)
Costello tries to buy a computer
from Abbott Based on the famous
"Who's On First" baseball dialog.
Bud and Lou meet Windows
95 What happens after they buy their first computer.
Some electronic repair
user experiences Extracted from a guitar amplifier user forum.
The Signetics Write-Only Memory Data
Fast Op-Amp Data Sheet
National Damn Fast Op-Amp
Data Sheet
The Umac 606 Phantastatron Technical Data
Sheet Photo
Reprint of Specifications of Wemac 1Z2Z
Travelling Ripple Tube
For those Zen practitioners...
Extra credit if you can figure out the value!
Crown BF-6000 SUX "Belchfire"
Power Amplifier Data Sheet Perfect for every ham band! Goes well with the
Molotora Gontor radio.
Find the cat Some
workbenches look like this. Click on the link and find the black-and-white cat walking
amongst all that electrical junque!
Mickey Mouse gets his first short-wave
SMT Rework Tool. Now, THAT'S what
I call a soldering iron!
A translation guide to used electronics / ham radio listings on eBay and Facebook
A collection of ham and radio-related cartoons that floated around in e-mails a few
years ago. Click on any of the thumbnails to see a larger image.

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This page originally created on 14-Sept-2004 by Mike Morris WA6ILQ.
This web page, this web site, the information presented in and on its pages and
in these modifications and conversions is © Copyrighted 1995 and (date of
last update) by Kevin Custer W3KKC and multiple originating authors. All Rights
Reserved, including that of paper and web publication elsewhere.