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This Page Created by Mike Morris WA6ILQ
Formerly Maintained by Robert Meister WA1MIK (SK)
Currently Maintained by Mike Morris WA6ILQ

This page was created in 2004 and some information is dated.
Contributions / Critiques / Corrections / Updates are ALWAYS welcome!

There are other good articles on the Construction Projects page.

This page has recently been reorganized.
Everything is still here; the articles just got grouped together by function.

Repeater-Related Information:

The "Standard Radio Communications Manual"   by Harold Kinley WA4GIB (SK)   44MB PDF download.
This excellent book tells how to be a good two-way radio technician with practical examples! 400+ pages of solid info. Well worth reading. Scanned by Skipp for all to enjoy.
Rutger de Haan VA6WOF ran it past a good optical character recognition (OCR) system in June of 2024 and made it text-searchable. THANKS to both!
Repeater Application notes and Articles   offsite link to the Chip Angle N6CA web site.
Look for the "Repeater applications notes" - proven repeater system design techniques from a VHF / UHF / weak signal / contesting fan and RF design guru.
While it's not worth a separate article, you don't want to have a UHF repeater input in the 100 KHz block between 446.0 and 446.100 in any area frequented by foreign tourists. Why? Personal radio frequencies are not standardized world wide, and tourists frequently bring their personal radios with them.
The European "PMR 446" service uses 8 channels in the 446.0-446.1 MHz range (complete with user-selectable CTCSS / DCS codes), specifically: (1) 446.00625, (2) 446.01875, (3) 446.03125, (4) 446.04375, (5) 446.05625, (6) 446.06875, (7) 446.08125 and (8) 446.09375... sounds like a good area for digital, Dstar, Fusion, P25 repeater outputs or point-to-point packet links. The same eight frequencies are used in radios made and sold in Singapore, maybe elsewhere.
Update 2024: It's now 40 channels in the block between 446.0 and 446.200. More details here:
Japan has a digital "Low Power Community Radio" service that allows 1/2 watt handhelds in the 50 KHz between 142.934375 to 142.984375 MHz and another 50 KHz between 146.934375 to 146.984375 MHz range... The 142 MHz set is in the USA "government range" and the 146 MHz set is in the USA two meter repeater band.
South Korea has a personal radio service allowing 5 watts on 25 channels across 0.5125 MHz between 448.75 and 449.2625 MHz (complete with user-selectable CTCSS / DCS codes). The eleven highest frequencies can be paired with frequencies in the 424 MHz range.
Other countries have other personal radio services but these are all that I know of that affect USA amateur radio frequencies. Updates are welcome.
Monolithic Crystal Filter Application in Amateur VHF Repeaters   208 kb PDF by Joseph M. Hood K2YAH
Mr. Hood describes how a crystal filter can be placed in front of a VHF repeater receiver to reduce desense and intermod. Filters have insertion loss, you will want to have enough signal there to start with.
Some thoughts on low band (6 meter and 10 meter) repeaters   by Mike Morris WA6ILQ
How about 1200 MHz? Any thoughts on this?   A reply by Jeff DePolo WN3A.
1200 MHz / 23 cm repeaters in the U.K.   by Andy G8VLL
Terminology used around repeaters
An ongoing glossary updated semi-regularly. Contributions / Critiques / Corrections / Updates welcome.
Why should you really spend $50 to re-crystal a Motorola channel element or GE ICOM?   by Kevin Custer W3KKC, Jeff DePolo WN3A, Robert Meister WA1MIK (SK), Eric Lemmon WB6FLY (SK), and Mike Morris WA6ILQ.
Temperature-Compensated Xtal Oscillator (TCXO) tutorial   228 kb PDF by Vectron
Vectron is a company known for precision crystal oscillators. This is good reading along with the above article.
Crystal Technology Design Guidelines   2.4 MB PDF by Motorola, dated May 1990
This is the very technical information they used to send to crystal manufacturers. There is a LOT of good theory here.
Amateur FM and Repeaters from QST magazine October 1969   513 kB PDF by Les Cobb W6TEE and Jay O'Brien W6GDO (SK)
This article is an overview of Amateur FM and repeaters and despite the date, the ARRL didn't "get" repeaters and remote bases until about 10-15 years later (Wayne Green W2NSD and 73 magazine were the driving force as he ran a slew of FM and repeater articles in the late 1960s and all of the 1970s).
Modulation Standards For VHF FM from Ham Radio magazine June 1970.   5.6 MB  PDF by Les Cobb W6TEE
Subtitled "A discussion of modulation circuits and techniques to improve the performance of FM systems."
This article is a technical analysis of the wideband (+/- 15 KHz) and narrowband (+/- 5 KHz) modulation standards. With the conversion from narrowband to even lesser deviation standards today it's worth reading to understand the history and to see where things have come from.
The Remote Base - An Alternative to Repeaters from Ham Radio magazine April 1977.   2.2 MB  PDF by Gordon Schlesinger WA6LBV, and William F. Kelsey WA6FVC
Recommended reading for those wishing to relieve congestion on the VHF bands - a definitive description of the difference between remote-base stations and repeater stations.
Two Meter FM repeater separation - 20 KHz Yes, 15 KHz No from Ham Radio magazine August 1985.   627 kB PDF by Chris Kelly WD5IBS and Virgil Leenerts WØINK
Transmitters with 5 KHz deviation and a 3 KHz audio cutoff create a signal at least 13 KHz wide (and with 4 KHz cutoff it goes out to 16 KHz), counting only the first set of sidebands. This clashes with 15 KHz channel spacing and is why the 145 MHz repeaters are 20 KHz spaced and why many states went from 15 KHz to a 20 KHz channel bandplan on 146-147 MHz repeaters. This article gives both theoretical and practical information and proves the point (through actual VHF FM receiver selectivity measurements - don't believe the manufacturer's specs) that you have more usable repeater pairs using 20 KHz spacing than with 15 KHz spacing.
Receiving System Degredation in FM Repeaters   228 KB PDF by J. A. Murphy K5ZBA (SK)
An excellent writeup on how to improve the performance of your repeater receiver (10 meters, 6 meters, VHF, 220 MHz, UHF and 1200 MHz).   From Ham Radio magazine for May 1969.
How do I link two or more systems together?   by Kevin K. Custer W3KKC and Mike Morris WA6ILQ
How can I bring a phone line to my hilltop repeater site?   by Kevin K. Custer W3KKC and Mike Morris WA6ILQ
Programming your repeater controller without a radio or a phone line   by Mike Morris WA6ILQ
The S-Com 7K controller is programmed with DTMF and is a "write-only" device. Mike needed to program his with a computer... and he wrote the article so that you could use the techniques and circuits to program ANY DTMF device.
Repeater Courtesy Beeps   by Mike Morris WA6ILQ
A table of sample tone info plus telephone call progress tone specs.
How do receiver voting receivers and voting comparators work?   by Mike Morris WA6ILQ
What is a voter?   How does it work?   An overview of receiver voting systems.
How does a Voter and Remote Receiver work?   by Duane Hall and Kevin Custer W3KKC
Some Thoughts on Solar Power and Other Off-The-Grid Repeaters   by Mike Morris WA6ILQ
Some ideas on what to do when there's no mains power line...
Adding a Separate Control Receiver to a System That Doesn't Have a Spare Controller Port   By Mike Morris WA6ILQ
Weather radios, SAME decoders, and amateur repeaters   by Mike Morris WA6ILQ
Yes, you can have a weather alert or warning receiver automatically activate your repeater - as long as you stay within the rules...
A Phone Line Busy Sensing Circuit   by Monte Smith, WDØDIR
Originally from ACC Notes, April 1986.
A DTMF / TouchTone / Touch-Tone / Touch-Code Signaling Primer   by Mike Morris WA6ILQ
"TouchTone" was the Bell System trademark, so the industry used DTMF as the generic... (but Bell later placed "Touch Tone" and "TouchTone" (without the space) into public domain). "Touch Code" is Motorola's trademark...
A very interesting Pacific Bell press release from 1990 that a number of California repeater and remote base operators have used to force Pacific Bell to grant residential phone rates to mountaintop radio sites. The arguments made are simple and compelling and might work anywhere. Well worth reading! (The monthly rate certainly has changed!)
Why every repeater-using ham owes Art Gentry W6MEP a debt of thanks   390 kB PDF by Bill Pasternak WA6ITF, from QST March 2004.
The true story of how one man started a repeater revolution. Hoist a beer and toast Art each May 10th. If you own or use a repeater (on any band) you owe him.
A collection of repeater-oriented articles by Peter Policani, K7PP
These articles were published on his own site that has since left the web. Peter graciously gave Repeater-Builder permission to host them here.
P25 Training Guide   514 kB PDF
Written by Daniels Electronics, Ltd. This 100+ page file is a basic education on P25 digital radio systems. It all started with IMBE (Improved Multi-Band Excitation).
Some notes on Simulcasting   by Richard Cohen K6DBR and Steve Bosshard NU5D
A Comparison of the HamGadgets ID-O-Matic and the Com-Spec ID-8 and the Midian ID-1   by Robert Meister WA1MIK (SK)

Tone Squelch (CTCSS, PL, CG, QC, QT, etc) Information:

How much PL Tone Deviation should I run?   by Kevin K. Custer W3KKC
Eliminating the long squelch noise bursts when using CTCSS (PL / CG)   by Kevin K. Custer W3KKC
The use of "AND Gating" of the logic signals.
A Historical and Technical Overview of Tone Squelch Systems   by Mike Morris WA6ILQ
A primer on CTCSS (PL / CG) tone systems, with a little on DCS / DPL digital systems.
Two-way Radio CTCSS and DCS Codes   Compiled by Robert W. Meister WA1MIK (SK)
This started as the standard list of Motorola PL and DPL codes extraced from an RSS Help file but it has been expanded to include lists from Icom, Kenwood, and Yaesu. Updates are welcome.
CTCSS Frequency vs Decode Time   by Robert W. Meister WA1MIK (SK)
The myth is that lower PL frequencies take longer to decode than higher ones, and it was probably true a long time ago. This article shows the results of tests made with several microprocessor-controlled radios as well as one that still uses mechanical reeds. The results were surprising, and the answer is: it depends.
CTCSS / PL / CG Doesn't Fix Anything!   by Mike Morris WA6ILQ
Why CTCSS, PL or CG is NOT a cure for interference (it just hides it).
A Table of CTCSS (PL / CG) Tone Numbers   by Mike Morris WA6ILQ
Why tone numbers are useless!
Analyzing Some Motorola PL Reverse Burst Circuits   by Robert W. Meister WA1MIK (SK)
Most radios use a 180 degree phase shift... except Motorola.

FCC-Related Information:

USA Spectrum Allocation Chart   95 kB PDF
The official chart straight from the US National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) Office of Spectrum Management (OSM)
Alternate source - from the NTIA server: http// (offsite link)
If anyone has pointers to other countries please share them with the page maintainer.
How to look up an FCC ID number
Sometimes being able to determine who made that device is sometimes very useful... (offsite link - to the FCC server)
How to look up towers
Search all of the FCC registered towers - broadcast, cellular, everything... (offsite link - to the FCC server)
Tower lookup page at the FCC web site
(offsite link - to the FCC server)
VHF Marine channel application and frequency table
    USA Use
(offsite link to the US Coast Guard Navigation Center web page)
    USA FCC marine channel list
(offsite link to the USA Federal Commmunications web page listing the VHF marine channels)
    International Use   20.5 kB PDF
While marine channels are not amateur repeater oriented having a little knowledge of the marine channels is useful so that you know where your spurs are and what they are landing on...
And these frequencies are sometimes used for something else, especially away from waterways - for example 156.075 MHz is a marine frequency but it's also "CALCORD - California On-Scene Emergency Coordination - to be used in mobile and portable units at the scene of any emergency incident requiring coordinated action by more than one agency.   Yes, it is also Coast Guard channel 61A, but (the state) licensed it out of the old Highway Maintenance pool in the early 1960s long before VHF marine was popular. No base stations are allowed (FCC regulation)."
The FCC Class of Station Code list 35 kB PDF
Ever wonder what an FB2J, or an FB4, or an FB6L is? And why an FB8 is preferred over an FB6? This is a local copy of the one at the Percon Corporation web site.
Understanding the FCC Transmitter Emission Codes
Ever wonder what 20K0F3E means, and how it was invented? This is a "Rosetta Stone" article.
FCC Transmitter Emission Codes   52 kB PDF
A full explanation of the each position of the seven-character emission code.
A list of the USA Television Channels   3 KB PDF
This is from back in the days when there were 83 channels and 800 MHz was TV, television stations once had Channels 2 to 83, except for 37 (609.25 MHz to 613.75 MHz), which is reserved for radio astronomy. Channels 14-20 (470-512 MHz) were reallocated to Land Mobile radio in many areas (the so-called "T-band" or "top" band - and the TV people want it back). Channels 70 to 83 (807.25 MHz to 889.75 MHz) disappeared in the 1980s and have been reassigned to other uses, including public safety. The broadcasters gave up channels 52 to 69 (699.25 MHz to 805.75 MHz) in 2009 as part of the transition to digital TV, and much of that has already been reassigned. As of Febuary 2012 channels 31 to 51 (573.25 MHz to 697.75 MHz), excluding 37 (609.25 MHz to 613.75 MHz), could be reallocated.

RF-Related Information:

Comprehensive guide to understanding transmitter combiners with lots of theory and examples.   by Neil Johnson WBØEMU
How do I measure sensitivity on this FM receiver?   by Jeff DePolo WN3A
Measuring Sensitivity - SINAD vs Quieting   by Robert W. Meister WA1MIK (SK)
There are two standard ways to measure sensitivity, and this article compares them, complete with clickable audio files.
Measuring Receiver Effective Sensitivity   by Chris Boone WB5ITT
Repeater receiver sensitivity measurements on the workbench are irrelevant - all that really counts is how well it works at the repeater site.
Speaking of Preamps...
An interesting discussion thread about 900 MHz preamps extracted from the AR902MHz Yahoo! Group. The information presented herein is applicable to other bands as well.
Fundamentals of RF and Microwave Noise Figure Measurements   712 kB PDF
Appnote 57-1 by Agilent Technologies (the old HP Instrument Division)
10 Hints for Making Successful Noise Figure Measurements   967 kB PDF
Appnote 57-3 by Agilent Technologies (the old HP Instrument Division)
Practical Noise-Figure Measurement and Analysis for Low-Noise Amplifier Designs   1.7 MB  PDF
Appnote 1354 by Agilent Technologies (the old HP Instrument Division)
Receiver Noise Figures   458 kB PDF by Richard J. Mohr
Resolving high-band paging transmitter interference   by Bryan Dorbert N3ST
900 MHz Frequencies to Avoid When You Set Up Your New Repeater
There's a lot of grunge on 900 MHz and amateur radio is secondary there, and we just have to avoid it. Here's a list of channels to avoid, plus some important information that restricts amateur use in some areas of the United States. (This article is very dated, but still useful)
How to install RF modules and transistors   by RF Parts company
A step-by-step procedure from the experts.
But it's only a couple of dB!   by Mike Morris WA6ILQ
Feed line (and connector) losses really DO add up!
dB to voltage conversion table (both 50 ohm and 75 ohm)   by Mike Morris WA6ILQ
dBm to watts, rms, peak, and peak-to-peak voltage conversion table for 50 ohm systems
Decibel (dB) Tables (Common Ratios)   97 kB PDF
Return Loss (dB) vs VSWR Table   30 kB PDF
Building Your Own CATV Hardline Matching Transformers   by Kevin Custer W3KKC
75 ohm TV hardline is cheap and here's how to match it to a 50 ohm system
CANUSA Heat Shrinkable Tubing   by Kevin Custer W3KKC
Great for sealing antenna and coax joints
Phase Noise Measurement Using the Phase Lock Technique   330 kB PDF
AppNote 1639 by Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.

AC and DC Power-Related Information:

AC Power Information - Safety Issues when dealing with commercial AC power   by Mike Morris WA6ILQ
Amateur Radio Bonding and Grounding   by Dereck Campbell KF5LJW
A very detailed analysis of bonding and grounding systems and methods you can use to improve the safety of your shack and mobile installations.
Grounding and Bonding for Network Facilities - Design Fundamentals   1.3 MB  PDF by AT&T
An official AT&&T document that describes the concepts they use when designing their own network facilities. You'll see examples of a lot of what Dereck talks about in his article above.
NEMA Non-Locking plugs and receptacles configuration   480 kB PDF published by Qualtek
NEMA Twist-Lock plugs and receptacles configuration   590 kB PDF published by Qualtek
Single and Three-Phase AC Power Distribution Configurations   1.1 MB  PDF published by Ametek
Capacitors Age and Capacitors Have an End of Life   405 kB PDF from Emerson Corporation
This writeup is oriented towards Uninterruptible Power Systems - the battery charger and inverter systems that back up hospitals, etc. UPS systems use large capacitor banks. Our repeater power supplies also use large capaciitors in the DC power supplies. This white paper discusses large DC aluminum electrolytic and AC polymeric film capacitors for use in a UPS application: specifically field aging, failure modes, expected service life and preventative maintenance.
Power Supply Technical Guide   4.57 MB  PDF
Written by XPPower, this 150 page file covers power supplies, UPSes, and other AC and DC power-related topics.
Power Supply Load Tests   by Eric Lemmon WB6FLY (SK)
These load tests were uploaded to the repeater-builder group files section and were recently recovered and posted here. Some are duplicated on other pages of this site.

Audio-Related Information:

An explanation of Audio Processing   by Jeff DePolo WN3A
Flat Audio, and Pre- and De-Emphasis explained   by Morris, DePolo, Schmid, and Custer
Summarized (and expanded on) from a 1999 email discussion on the Repeater-Builder mailing list.
Explanation of "Flat Audio"   300 kB PDF by Jeffrey "Shorty" Stouffer K6JSI
This is an 11 page article written in 2004 for a club newsletter. Shorty describes how FM two-way radio works, why we have pre- and de-emphasis, then he gets into repeaters and when and why to use flat audio. It looks like he borowed a lot from the Morris, DePolo, Schmid, and Custer article immediately above.
Pre- and De-Emphasis, Explanation and Assistance: Running the Numbers   by Matt Lechliter W6XC
Matt builds on the principles from the Morris, DePolo, Schmid, and Custer article above.
More on why Pre-emphasis and De-emphasis, with examples on the Motorola MICOR   by Paul Sexauer K3VIX
Paul contributes to the topic with info based on 26 years in engineering with Motorola.
A Discussion on Repeater Audio Standards by Karl Shoemaker, AK2O (offsite link - will open in a new window)

Reference and Miscellaneous Information:

Some Thoughts on Radio Programming Computers and Laptops   If you do a lot of radio programming you might want to consider dedicating a laptop to radio programming. This article describes what the author uses and why… He has equipment at several mountaintop repeater sites, and prefers the CF‑series Toughbooks.
Note that the above article is an opinion piece…   What works for him may or may not work for you…
ChipDir   The Master Chip Lookup Web Site (offsite link to a Dutch server)
A Comparison Table of Capacitance Values   by Mike Morris WA6ILQ
A catalog of GE miniature and sealed beam lamps   12.4 MB  PDF
Info on pilot lights, round and rectangular sealed beam headlights, PAR series lights, Festoon lights, neon lights, electronic discharge fluroescent lamps, and more.
Poor Man's Spectrum Analyzer   Spectrum Analyzer Kit by Science Workshop
This web pointer goes to an archived web page (from November 2017 that is at, NOT to the actual server as they don't exist any more.
This link is offered only as information, there are SDR receivers and software applications that function as a inexpensive spectrum analyzer.
Modulation Spectrums   by Robert W. Meister WA1MIK
How audio frequency, filtering, and deviation affect your transmitted FM signal, how to prevent excessive deviation and splatter, shown with dozens of spectrum analyzer traces.
A very good primer on basic, single-supply, op-amp circuits   160 kB PDF
A Texas Instruments Application Note (number SLOA058 dated November 2000).
Op-Amp Design Reference   2 MB  PDF
Another Texas Instruments Application Note (number SLOD006B, dated August 2002). This one has a lot more technical detail info than the primer above.
Allied Electronics Data Handbook, 2nd edition (1958)   6.7 MB  PDF
A classic electronics reference, about 64 pages. Chock-full of old component and wiring color codes, formulas, conversion tables, coil winding nomographs, tube substitution data, etc.
Allied Electronics Data Handbook, 4th edition (1964)   3.8 MB  PDF
Newer version of the above reference, about 88 pages. This one includes transistor circuits. Sold for a whopping fifty cents when new. Very nice scan.
Allied Electronics Data Handbook, 5th edition (1969)   4.5 MB  PDF
Yet another edition of this classic electronics reference, 112 pages. Chock-full of all sorts of useful information from the vacuum tube era.
MIL Handbook 413   12 MB  PDF
A design handbook for high frequency radio communications systems. Has info on just about every modulation system known to man, as well as antenna systems, transmission lines, ground systems, modems, etc.
FAA Advisory Circular 20-136B: Aircraft Electrical and Electronic System Lightning Protection   125 kB PDF
FAA Standard 019e: Lightning and Surge Protection, Grounding, Bonding and Shielding Requirements for Facilities and Electronic Equipment   1 MB  PDF
Grounding in Central Office and Remote Electronic Equipment Environments   5.4 MB  PDF
A CenturyLink Technical Publication.
The application of relay coil suppression with DC relays   33 kB PDF
An application note from the back of a Leach Relays catalog.
Glossary of Tone Signaling terms   300 kB PDF
As used with Tone Signaling, Data Signaling, Remote Control, Voice Scrambling, Radiotelephone Interconnect. From Midian Electronics.
Motorola Semiconductor Data Book   22 MB  PDF
Diodes, transistors, digital and linear ICs from this 1966 version. Over 1,500 pages.
Motorola Semiconductor Data Book   29 MB  PDF
Diodes, transistors, digital and linear ICs from this 1988 version. Over 2,150 pages.
Motorola Communications Parts and Data Book   16.4 MB  PDF - will open in a new window
Mike WA6ILQ scanned all 222 pages of the so-called "Silver Book" (from the color of the silvery cloth binding). This hard-back book was limited in circulation (Mike got his as a gift from a repair shop owner that ended up with two by accident). It contains conversion charts, antenna data sheets, radios, accessories, replacement part lists, you name it. Chock-full of stuff for Motorola radio products from the late 1970s including the Micor and Mitrek. Not the best scan but definitely usable.
National Semiconductor CMOS Data book (1988 version) (offsite link - local copy - downloadable - will open in a new window)
Motorola Semi - RF Device Data Volume 1 (1998 version) (offsite link - local copy - downloadable - will open in a new window)
Motorola Semi - RF Device Data Volume 2 (1998 version) (offsite link - local copy - downloadable - will open in a new window)
Motorola CMOS Data Book DL131/D Rev 3 (1991)   6.9 MB  PDF
This is a scan of the actual data book on Motorola’s entire MC14000 series CMOS products.

There are some more good articles at and at

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This web page created 20-Aug-2004

This web page, this web site, the information presented in and on its pages and in these modifications and conversions is © Copyrighted 1995 and (date of last update) by Kevin Custer W3KKC and multiple originating authors. All Rights Reserved, including that of paper and web publication elsewhere.