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  Two-Way Radio
CTCSS and DCS Codes

Compiled by Robert W. Meister WA1MIK
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All digit zeros are shown in the tables with a slash through them,
to eliminate the chance of confusing them with the capital letter O.

CTCSS (Continuous Tone-Coded Squelch System) uses sub-audible (below 300 Hz, not necessarily inaudible) tones to activate coded receivers. PL (Private Line) is Motorola's trademarked name for this system. General Electric calls theirs CG (Channel Guard).

DCS (Digital-Coded Squelch) uses a 23-bit digital pattern to activate coded receivers. DPL (Digital Private Line) is Motorola's trademarked name for this system. General Electric calls theirs DCG (Digital Channel Guard).


XZ  67.ØWZ  69.3XA  71.9WA  74.4 XB  77.ØWB  79.7
YZ  82.5YA  85.4YB  88.5ZZ  91.5 ZA  94.8ZB  97.4
1Z 1ØØ.Ø1A 1Ø3.51B 1Ø7.2 2Z 11Ø.92A 114.82B 118.8
3Z 123.Ø3A 127.33B 131.84Z 136.5 4A 141.34B 146.2
5Z 151.45A 156.75B 162.26Z 167.9 6A 173.86B 179.9
7Z 186.27A 192.8M1 2Ø3.5 8Z 2Ø6.5M2 21Ø.7M3 218.1
M4 225.79Z 229.1M5 233.6M6 241.8 M7 25Ø.3ØZ 254.1

Codes shown in red are not standard and are not recommended.
Codes above 200 Hz may be audible and are not recommended.


Ø23Ø25Ø26Ø31 Ø32Ø43Ø47Ø51 Ø53Ø54Ø65 Ø71Ø72
Ø73Ø74114115116 122125131132 134143152155
1561621651721742Ø5 212223225 226243244245
246251252 261263265266271 3Ø6311315325331
343346351364365371411 412413423425431 432
445446452 4554644654665Ø3 5Ø6516521 525532
546552564 5656Ø6612624627631632 645652654
6626647Ø3712723 725726 731732734743754 

Codes shown in red are not standard and are not recommended.

These codes were extracted from a Motorola MSF5000 RSS Help file.

Additional information was supplied by Eric WB6FLY and Mike WA6ILQ.

PL, DPL, RSS, and MSF5000 are trademarks of Motorola, Inc.

Here are the CTCSS and DCS tables from the Icom IC-91AD handheld radio manual:

Here are the CTCSS and DCS tables from the Kenwood TH-f6A handheld radio manual:

Here are the CTCSS and DCS tables from the Yaesu VX-8R handheld radio manual:

Midian Electronics has a handy PDF file that contains details of just about every tone signaling scheme used. It can be downloaded by clicking here.

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This article first posted 28-Nov-2007
This page was last updated on 13-Dec-2018

Hand-coded HTML © Copyright 2007 by Robert W. Meister WA1MIK.

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