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An Introduction to the MSF5000 and PURC5000 Stations Written and HTML'd by Mike Morris WA6ILQ Formerly Maintained by Robert Meister WA1MIK (Who knew a hundred times more about the MSF than Mike WA6ILQ) Currently Maintained by Mike Morris WA6ILQ I know very little about this equipment! You can ask, I'll answer if I can... It's probably best to ask on the repeater-builder mailing list. |
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According to the Motorola sales brochures from the era, the "MSF" stands for
"Maximum System Flexibility". The MSF10000 is the European version, and the PURC5000
is a paging base station that is derived from the MSF5000 (the older plain "PURC"
station was MICOR-based). The "PURC" was a marketing-generated abbreviation and stood
for Paging Universal Remote Control, which was a paging-oriented modification to the
standard tone remote control format for transmitter keying in both the analog and
binary mode. Some MICOR-based PURCs and MSF-based PURC5000s had cross-band
receivers (usually 75 MHz or 900 MHz), others were analog wire-line controlled,
others had modems that passed digital data from a leased digital wire-line to the transmitter.
An interesting thread providing some PURC5000 station
info can be found here.
From the amateur radio point of view the wireline paging stations can be used, you just need
to add a decent repeater recevier.
The MSF5000 stations come in two basic types: those with "CLB" or "JLB" in the model number, and the later ones with "CXB", "GFB", "RUB", or "RLB" in the model number.
Note that ALL of the MSF models have their operating program(s) in one or more
UV Erasable firmware PROM(s).
From the amateur radio point of view all four of them are the same, except for how
you program them. And you will probably only find a CLB or a CXB.
The "CLB" series (the first generation) are commonly called the
"analog" stations and hold their parameters (RF frequency, PL tone or
DPL code, etc.) in a 2732 family UV Erasable EPROM and the operating program
(firmware) in a 2764 family EPROM. Setting one up requires access to a R-1800 or R1801
suitcase programmer equipped with the MSF program PROMs and the programming module
for the 2732 chip. If you have a "CLB" and don't have a suitcase programmer
you will need to find someone who does or spend a lot of money to buy one yourself.
You will only need it once to burn the frequency and configuration profile PROM for your
station (unless you need to change the RF frequency or the tone). And just having the suitcase
isn't everything; the unit has to have the MSF firmware and correct EPROM-burning adapter
installed in it. See
this web page on what it takes to program a "CLB" series MSF (it's an
offsite link and will open in a new browser tab).
Yes, Andy can program a 2732 chip for you.
See the MSF beginners Guide page for some info
on the 2732 (look for the paragraph that starts with "The 2732 can be a difficult chip
to use".
The second generation MSFs were the "CXB", "GFB", "RUB", and "RLB" models and all are PC-programmable.
The "CXB" are commonly called the "digital" stations. This is a total misnomer as they aren't "digital" stations but "digital capable". These could be used with Motorola's SECURENET encryption packages.
"Digital capable" simply meant that the station could be equipped for SECURENET encrypted communications - a 12 kbps (two level) digital SecureNet modulation format (DES or DVP). Note that the MSFs were designed and manufactured many years before P25 was even thought of, and the digital modulation format is definitely NOT any form of P25. The MSF secure option board enables the station to perform as a true digital repeater by regenerating the recovered inbound data. It can also encrypt and decrypt analog audio from and to the station's analog wire-line (the leased circuit from the station to the dispatch console), enable repeat based on proper code detect, etc.
Units with "GFB" in their model number are commonly called "Analog-Plus"; they're essentially a "CXB"with the secure communications capability deleted and therefore could be exported. The "RUB" was a Canadian "CXB", and the "RLB" was an option-limited "CXB" (limited by marketing, the hardware was pretty much the same).
A "JLB" is a transmit-only (i.e. paging) version of a "CLB" (which used the marketing name of "PURC5000"), a "JXB" is the similar version of a "CXB", and a "JFB" is the similar version of the "GFB". A paging station might have a receiver in a different band, or a MICOR receiver in an auxiliary chassis, or no receiver at all... some had a wireline modem in place of the receiver.
In summary: The "CLB" and the "JLB" are EPROM based, all other MSF5000s are PC programmable. A J-something is a paging station and needs to be carefully examined to see if it has a usable receiver (probably not) and if the station is usable may need to have the firmware chip (a 2764 family) replaced with one from a regular CLB station.
The front panel control shelf on the MSF identifies the type of controller it has. First find the volume and squelch controls; they will be on a small sub-panel of the control unit. If you see a three-digit red LED display window at the right side of that sub-panel, then it's a "CXB", "RLB", or "GFB" that is programmed by a PC via a serial cable. If the red LED display is on the top left then it is a PURC5000. If there is no display at all then it's one of the "CLB" series that needs the suitcase programmer. A front panel photo of all three is at the top of this page, more photos of the "CLB" and "CXB" series are on the "Photo Tour" article.
All of the second generation (CXB) stations are programmed via a serial port, which
can be accessed via the control or expansion jacks of the control tray. You will
need a PC with a real hardware serial port booted to MS-DOS running Radio
Service Software (RSS) product number RVN4077G (the final version is R05.21.00), a RIB
and the correct cable to connect to the MSF. The RSS must run under
MSDOS, it will not run properly in a DOS BOX or under any version of Windows.
I repeat: The programming computer MUST have a real hardware serial port.
There is an "RSS and RIB" web page on this web site that covers some
of the details on them, and some of the limitations of the RSS software.
An interesting and informative thread on 800 MHz
versus 900 MHz MSF stations and how to tell them apart by the model number can
be read here.
The short version: any Cn5xxx-n1nn (where x is a letter and n is a number) is 800 MHz
and Cn5xxx-n2nn is 900 MHz. The conversion of an 800 MHz MSF to
900 MHz is VERY difficult, there are much easier ways to build a
900 MHz repeater.
All MSF5000 stations have an independent receiver and transmitter and can receive and transmit at the same time, in other words they can operate full-duplex. If an internal or external duplexer is employed, then the station can act as a repeater and utilize just one antenna. Alternatively, two separate antennas can be used. In either case, reception of the correct incoming signal will cause the transmitter to be energized. The station can also be programmed as a base station, which implies some sort of wire line remote control, because the received signal will NOT key the transmitter. An antenna relay is used to switch the single antenna to either the receiver or the transmitter, or two separate antennas could also be used. The main point is that the station can be configured - with the appropriate hardware - to run as either a base station or repeater station, and it's usually easy to convert between the two. PURC5000 stations are merely the transmit half of the full MSF5000 station; all of the internal receiver circuitry is on another band or missing.
EBay buyers: beware!
Two major points:
1) These units are VERY HEAVY. The shipping will probably cost more than the unit.
2) No matter WHAT the model tag says, no PURC, MSF or PURC5000 station will
ever operate over the entire 132-174 MHz or 403-475 MHz frequency
band listed on its model tag / label!.
Each station will do only a portion of that model tag frequency spread, called a
"split", a "band-split" or a "range".
Unfortunately, there are only two ways to determine the band-split of your station. You either have to read the code plug (with RSS or the suitcase programmer) and look at the information it displays, or you have to find a part number tag or a part number rubber-stamped on a major frequency-sensitive assembly (PA, RF Tray, VCO). Look for a part number in the format of xxxnnnnx where x is a letter and n is a number. The last digit is the critical digit.Please take a look at this photo of the RF drawer of a UHF station. Look at the top left and the top right of the photo... the yellow labels (which have also been seen with an orange background) on the VCOs read TRE1322B and TTE1472B. The "R" is the receiver, the "T" is the transmitter, the "E" indicates UHF (a "D" would indicate VHF) and the the last digit is a "2" which indicates it is a range 2 station.
Band Range Frequency 3 (VHF) 1 132-158 MHz 2 146-174 MHz 4 (UHF) 1 403-435 MHz 2 435-475 MHz
Now look at the bottom left.
The label on the lower left lip of the drawer reads TUE1972A - that's the part number for the entire UHF range 2 drawer.
Note: the trailing digit indicating the range is frequently a good range indicator, but it is NOT 100% across Motorola... on the MSF product line it is. My personal rule is that before you spend your money you need to check the manual, or if you can (and if it is a CXB), read the station with the RSS.
The first generation MSF ("CLB" and "JLB" EPROM-based)
stations have a CW identifier whose timing (15 minutes) and tone frequency is controlled by
a byte (or bytes) in the code plug EPROM. The MSF programming software that runs
in the 1800/1801 suitcase programmer does not have the ability to program those bytes
with user-specified values (that was an oversight). As a result almost every analog
station I've seen in amateur service has been programmed as a duplex base station
(with the IDer disabled) and fitted with an external controller that does the ID and
a lot more.
Update: There is now a ham-written program that can edit those bytes (and a LOT
more) in the EPROM image file and allow changing those values. The first generation MSF
can now be a legal amateur repeater while using the internal controls.
There is a known bug in the MSF digital station (CXB) firmware. Unfortunately
it's never going to be fixed by Motorola as the MSF line has been off the support list
for over 20 years. Maybe a ham will reverse engineer it and let us post the fix...
The Auto ID Interval field will accept any value, but seems to reduce it to the next
lowest 5, 10, 20, or 40 minute interval. You can enter 009 but it seems to change that
to 000 (disabling the ID). All other values between 001 and 010 work fine. 11-14 get
reduced to 10. 15 works fine, but exceeds the FCC rules for amateur repeaters
(10 minutes). This bug isn't a problem with systems that are configured with
external controllers as they don't use the internal CW ID.
Speaking of CW ID, the deviation level of the internally-generated tones (CW ID and alarm) in a stock MSF is a fixed percentage of the total deviation and not adjustable. Many people complain that it is too loud. There are several ways to deal with this issue:
Once you start tuning up the MSF you will discover an annoying "gotcha":
the MSF station does not have a speaker on the receiver; in fact it has a low level
(1/2 watt) amplifier that was designed to drive the earpiece in the test handset and
not much more. Due to this situation both models of the MSF5000 test set contain
an amplified speaker.
The TMN6164A test handset is extremely rare - I have
seen exactly two in over 8 years on eBay. If you want to build your own it would not
be hard to take any Western Electric or ITT "G" series telephone handset, put a PTT
button on it somewhere, add a 560 or 620 ohm resistor in series with the earpiece,
and if you can't find a 6-wire curly cord to crimp a 6-wire RJ-11 plug to just add a 6-wire
RJ11-style cord to it (and yes, I know that a "real" RJ-11 has only 1 pair (two
pins), a RJ14 has 2 pairs (4 pins) and a RJ-25 has all three pairs (6 pins), but nobody
uses the RJ14 or RJ25 terminology. Everything in a 6-pin body is referred to as an RJ-11).
The HMN1001B microphone plugs right into the 6-wire RJ jack in the station control
tray and allows you to locally key the transmitter and talk over it. There is just one
problem: the HMN1001B is rather rare, and when found is usually expensive. A cheap
equivalent is to take a common 8-pin (i.e. RJ45 style plug) microphone from a Maxtrac,
Radius or GM300, an RJ45 jack with screw terminals (as opposed to punchdown style
terminals) and a short 6-pin RJ11 silver-satin cord and mate them. Just take the pinout
of the RJ45 microphone (available on the Maxtrac / Radius/GM300 page at
this web site), the schematic of the TMN6164A test handset
data sheet (which includes the pin-out of the connector) and make yourself a microphone
adapter cable (and yes, I know that an 8-wire analog RJ connector is an RJ-61 jack, but
everybody refers to it as an RJ-45). This gives you an inexpensive test microphone.
If anyone has the part number for the replacement cord for the HMN1001B microphone
please let me know so I can add it here. One could be ordered and installed in any common
Motrac / Motran / Mocom / MICOR etc.
microphone and that would give one a cheap test mike.
Personally, I prefer having a common mobile microphone and a local speaker that has enough volume to be useful. As long as you are making up a microphone adapter, why not do the following: take a common mobile speaker, build up a common LM386 ampifier circuit on a piece of perfboard (see this page). Then mount the perfboard inside a mobile speaker case, with the volume control pot mounted in the outer case (or even in the center of the grille). The use of a pot with a switch allows turning the amplifier off when you aren't there. Then cable the amplified speaker into the RJ45 microphone adapter box: connect the audio input to pins 2 and 5 of the headset jack, mount the mobile speaker somewhere in the repeater cabinet, and pick up +12vDC for the amplifier from any of several places in the drawer. This gives you a proper local service speaker and a test microphone. Just remember to program the local mike as having the highest priority.
MSF5000s were sometimes equipped with a second receiver and control tray. Here's a photo of the control panel of the second receiver's control tray. Here's a photo of the control board that's inside that control tray. Here's a photo of the top cover of the RF Tray. Here's a photo of the inside of the RF Tray. Note that the front panel resembles what you'd find on an older analog (CLB) station. Also the RF Tray is missing the IPA (Intermediate Power Amplifier) and the transmit VCO, because these aren't needed in a receive-only chassis.
Expansion trays usually were equipped with a Wildcard module. This board has
four digital inputs, four digital outputs, and up to four relays, that can be wired
up to do all sorts of unique things, providing special features that customers
ordered. Every unit was different and exact schematics are almost never available.
The wildcard module usually looked at, and modified, the data on the MUXBus,
which is displayed with the Digital Metering Panel (that's the one with 64 LEDs
on it).
Here's a photo of the wildcard control panel
in an expansion tray. Here's a photo
of a wildcard circuit board in an expansion tray. Here's another wildcard and power supply circuit
board pair in an expansion tray. The module at the right is a power supply
regulator for all the other modules in the tray. This last photo is by WA1MIK.
Another popular option was the DTMF Encoder / Decoder, which was programmed via RSS. These modules tended to be found in analog (CLB) stations, as the DTMF functionality was moved to the SAM for the digital-capable stations. This module also has limited speech output capability. Here's a photo of the DTMF control panel in an expansion tray. Here's a photo of the DTMF circuit board in an expansion tray. Both photos are by WA1MIK.
Another option that was a bit more rare was the Station Access Module (SAM). This board was meant to replace the wildcard module, letting you do everything via software (programming through RSS). There are more inputs and outputs, a built-in DTMF encoder and decoder, and several software digital data decoders (such as MDC1200). In addition, it could perform limited diagnostics on the station and report many more error conditions. Here's a photo of the SAM control panel in an expansion tray. Here's a photo of the SAM circuit boards in an expansion tray. The right-hand board is for diversity reception operation. Both of these are documented in the "MSF5000/10000 Data Station Smart Wildcard and Diagnostic Options" manual.
Common terms and answers to Frequently Asked Questions:
Contact Information:
The author can be contacted at: his-callsign // at // repeater-builder // dot // com.
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Hand-coded HTML © Copyright 2006 and date of last update by Mike Morris
WA6ILQ and repeater-builder.com.
This page created 26-Mar-2006 and split off from the main MSF page 26-Mar-2010.
Analog and digital MSF montage photos taken by, and copyright © 2010 by Robert
W. Meister, who also wrote and provided a majority of the text.
PURC5000 montage photo taken by, and copyright © 2010 by Knox LaRue and
John Hymes.
This web page, this web site, the information presented in and on its pages and in these modifications and conversions is © Copyrighted 1995 and (date of last update) by Kevin Custer W3KKC and multiple originating authors. All Rights Reserved, including that of paper and web publication elsewhere.