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  Additional Information
on AEA Products

Compiled, written and HTML'd by Mike Morris WA6ILQ
Formerly Maintained by Robert Meister WA1MIK (SK)
Currently Maintained by Mike Morris WA6ILQ.

The AEA Company that was involved in the amateur radio world ceased operation in 1996, and their office at 2006 196th Street SW, Lynwood, Washington 98036 was closed. They sold the data products line to Timewave Technology of Saint Paul, Minnesota, and the antenna products line to Tempo Research of Vista, California (just north of San Diego).

Historically, "AEA Wireless" was purchased by Tempo in 1995 and sold again in 2000. George Naber, the former VP of Operations at Tempo, bailed it out of near bankruptcy in 2001. He restructured product production to be profitable, brought on a new Chief Engineer and redirected the company toward the commercial market. On May 5, 2004, he renamed the company AEA Technology, Inc. As of the time of this writing he is still their President and CEO. AEA continues to make several models of test equipment designed and priced for the amateur market, but all their newer products are now focused on the cable TV, Telco, Broadcast, Land and Marine Mobile, Medical, RFID, and military markets. AEA maintains a loyal following of amateur users who have been using their antenna analyzers for years and trade them up whenever possible.

There is a different AEA (based in Pasadena, California) that makes some of the world's finest recording studio microphones and also offers forensic audio recovery services.   Click here for Audio Engineering Associates (The Ribbon Microphone People), "The Forensic Audio People", or Mr. Wes Dooley. Wes and his employees make some OUTSTANDING microphones that are used throughout the music and recording industry.

Contact Information
AEA Antennas and Antenna Analyzers
The AEA antenna and Antenna Analyzer product line was acquired by Tempo Research, previously known as AEA Technology, of Vista, California, now of Carlsbad, California (in the north end of San Diego county). Any service or upgrade requirements should be directed to:

AEA Technology, Inc.
5933 Sea Lion Place, Suite 112
Carlsbad, CA 92010
Tel: 800-258-7805 or 760-931-8979
Fax: +1 760-931-8969
email: sales (at) aeatechnology (dot) com,
or techsupport (at) aeatechnology (dot) com

Note: The AntennaSmith™ is a Timewave Product.
  AEA Data products (Multimode data controllers, TNCs)
In mid-1997 Timewave Technology bought the data side of AEA, and they can repair many AEA data products. Their ability to repair these products is limited by parts availability and special test equipment to test the products. Timewave has a limited supply of AEA custom parts that will be used until the supply is exhausted. As of October 8 2012, one of their technicians informed us they no longer repair the PK-88 units at all; he said they only repaired the PK-96 and PK-232s. The 88s are just too outdated so they have stopped working on them.

Timewave Technology Inc.
27 Empire Drive, Suite 110
St. Paul, MN 55103-1892
Phone: 1-651-489-5080
Fax: 1-651-489-5066
email: techsupport (at) timewave (dot) com

They used to be at 1025 Selby Avenue, Suite 101, St. Paul, MN 55104-6533, but moved in October of 2010.

If anyone has any of the AEA manuals listed below please send an email to the page maintainer listed at the top of this page, or if you have an additional manual that we don't have below, we'd like to get PDFs of them.
"Halo" series antenna(s) Antenna Analyzer(s) BT-1 Morse Trainer
KK-1 Keyboard Keyer PK-89 Packet Controller RL-1 Radiolink
AEA offered three programs for packet use. Here are the last versions of two of the PC programs for DOS and an unknown Mac version. What you find in the file is all that there is, and there is no vendor support. If there is a better packet program "out there" (freeware or paid) please let us know, we can make a free program available for download or provide a pointer to a paid program.
PC-Pakratt program PK-Fax program MacRATT program

Does anyone have any useful modifications or other articles on AEA gear? We're offering this space to host any mods that have proven useful and any articles of interest that you may have stashed on your local hard drives. A walkthrough of how to use the Antenna Analyzer would be of special interest.

Lastly, EPROMS aren't forever... after a decade or so they start dropping bits (the common term is "bit rot"). You can find all of the PROM image files that were donated on the main AEA Index page. If anyone would like to donate others we will post them.

Contact Information:

The author can be contacted at Mike Morris WA6ILQ.

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This page split off on 25-Jan-2014.

No infringement of AEA's, Tempo's or Timewave's copyrights is intended... The only reason we are doing this is that you can't find AEA information anywhere. If anyone had these files on their public web site we wouldn't need to.

This web page, this web site, the information presented in and on its pages and in these modifications and conversions is © Copyrighted 1995 and (date of last update) by Kevin Custer W3KKC and multiple originating authors. All Rights Reserved, including that of paper and web publication elsewhere.