Who (what) is Repeater Builder?

There are several instances of Repeater Builder, each are explained below.

1, Repeater Builder, the website.
Repeater Builder Dot Com is owned solely by Kevin Custer, W3KKC.  Within the site are many unpaid helpers and contributing authors. The website is funded by Kevin Custer and by donations received to help with the cost of upkeep.

2, Repeater Builder, the company.
Repeater Builder, the company, is owned by Scott Zimmerman, N3XCC.  It is a division of Scott's main company, Zimmerman Electronics.  Repeater Builder started out as a sideline business of Kevin Custer, but the building of repeaters and Repeater Builder branded products was turned over to Scott exclusively in 2001 when Kevin could no longer spend time in the shop because of other obligations. Repeater Builder supplies custom built repeater solutions mainly from converted commercial gear like the Motorola MICOR and General Electric MASTR II mobiles and stations.  Repeater Builder also custom engineers, builds, and supplies specialized electronic products for the repeater industry.  The AP-50,   STM32-DVM,   USB-RIM & RIM-Lite are a few examples.  Repeater Builder is also a repair facility for most major brands of repeaters and related equipment like controllers, DVRs, linking equipment, etc.

3, Repeater-Builder, the web group.
https://groups.io/g/repeater-builder is owned and managed by Kevin Custer, W3KKC.  It was started in 1998 and is a specialized, free, technical group available to people seeking information on building ham radio, GMRS, or commercial repeater systems.  Discussion of amateur or commercial repeaters, duplexers, antennas, feedlines, controllers, linking, etc. is encouraged.  Email attachments are permitted and you as a member should protect yourself from viruses, as no protection is afforded by the group.  We do not profess to be the first group of this type, but we are certainly the largest. Many of our subscribers are well versed in all facets of radio and will provide quality answers to your questions. With over 5000 members subscribed to this group, there is a very good information base to learn from.  A detailed purpose is outlined here: Detailed Purpose of the Repeater-Builder group.

4, Masters Communications.
Masters Communications is owned by Kevin Custer, and is a specialized company which offers products for amateur and commercial applications and custom manufactured test equipment. Masters Communications was started in 1988 as a Telecommunications Construction firm owned by Dave and Dale Maust - where Kevin was the Senior Engineer / Onsite Supervisor. That business was "sold off" and closed in 2011. Then in 2014 - 2015 a new business was opened designing and manufacturing custom electronics, and is now owned solely by Kevin Custer. It was moved from Pennsylvania to Florida in 2020. Masters Communications builds RA, RL, and DRA radio interfaces for ASL and VARA (Winlink), as well as Tone Squelch - Noise Squelch boards and Test Equipment like signal samplers and return loss bridges.

"Repeater Builder®" is a registered trademark in the United States of America owned by Kevin Custer, and the use of the name is licensed to Michael "Scott" Zimmerman for his repeater related business and products. Please don't contact Kevin for answers to questions relating to "Repeater Builder the Company". Kevin is not employed there and isn't the best source for support of their products. Likewise - please don't contact Scott for support of Masters Communications products. While they work together on many products, it's best to contact the correct person for the best support.


Property and concept of Repeater Builder, all rights reserved.
Copyright 2005, Repeater Builder.
Images property of Repeater Builder.
Logo Design by Elisha Zimmerman KB9WCX
HTML April 24 2004, W3KKC All Rights Reserved!
Repeater Builder® is a registered trademark of Kevin Custer