Increase the Low Power Setting on the Midland 13-509 from 1 to 5 watts
By Larry Clore, WB9F

Modify the Low Power Setting in the Midland 13-509, Cobra 200, or Clegg 76 for link duty.

Modification information:
Here is a modification for the Midland 13-509 to increase low power from 1 watt to 5 watts output. This mod is from KB9JNO.  By increasing low power to 5 watts, we are able to use the 13-509's for link radios for our 2 meter repeater.

Low power mod for Midland 13-509  Cobra 200  Clegg 76

To modify lower power TX from 1 watt to 5 watts, Replace R-125 [15 ohm 5 watt original] with 4.7 ohm 5 watt resistor.

Resistor R-125 is located under accessory jack on rear of unit.

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