Alignment Instructions for  E.F.Johnson PPL-6060 (UHF) Transmit Section

By Matt Krick  K3MK

Preliminary checks and adjustments
1. Connect watt meter with 50 ohm load to TX antenna jack
2. Crystal Frequency = Operating frequency  / 24
3. Oscillator Measurements are made on the Red test points, connect negative lead of volt meter to ground
4. Adjustments are made with transmitter keyed
Step Test Point Tuning Control Meter Reading Procedure
1 TP301 L304, L305 Maximum Tune L304 and L305 for Maximum meter reading. Repeat for best reading.
2 TP302 T301,L306 Maximum Tune T301 and L306 for Maximum meter reading. Repeat for best reading.
3 TP303 L307,L308,L310 Maximum Tune L307, L308 and L310 for Maximum meter reading. Repeat for best reading. 
4 TP101 L118, L119,C357 Minimum Tune L118, L119 and C357 for Minimum meter reading. Repeat for best reading..
5 - R105 Fully Clockwise Adjust R105 Fully Clockwise as viewed from the back of the radio.
6 Watt Meter C506,C512,C520 Maximum Tune C506, C512 and C520 for Maximum meter reading. Repeat several times for best reading. (15 - 25 watts)
7 Watt Meter R105 Fully Clockwise Adjust R105 for desired output power
8 Service Monitor or Hand Held C307 Correct Frequency Adjust C307 for center of frequency
9 Service Monitor or Hand Held R305 Correct Deviation Apply 1 kHz @ 400 mV RMS into mic input and adjust R305 to 4.5 kHz deviation.

Tune points for PPL-6060 Transmitter (top view, dual channel version)