Computer Automation Technology
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
CAT Note
Release Date: March 12, 2004   Modified August 27, 2005
Connecting a CAT to a Motorola MSR2000

Connecting a CAT controller to a Motorola MSR2000 Repeater can be accomplished by following these steps.

Step 1
Build an interconnect cable with a Male DB25 connectors on one end of a 6-wire conductor cable. The other end of the cable will be soldered onto the MSR2000 repeater. Connect the cable as follows:

CAT controller
MSR2000 Module/Location
 Signal and Logic Grounds  Pin 17    Back Plane ground terminals
 Receiver COR #1  Pin 6  Pin 5  Squelch Gate Card
 Receiver Audio  Pin 13  Pin 17  Squelch Gate Card
 Transmitter Audio  Pin 11  Pin 11  Squelch Gate Card
 PTT #1  Pin 10    Line PTT Terminal
 CTCSS  Pin 4  Pin 14  Squelch Gate Card

Step 2
Setup the necessary jumpers and other settings as required for using an external controller. Consult the MSR2000 manual for information.