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  A Guide to Duplexer Specifications
Version 1.2 - September 2003
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The duplexer is a critical part of many repeater systems. When searching the markets for a pre-owned unit, it is often difficult to determine the suitability of available units to a particular application. Finding specifications, especially for models that are no longer in production, can be a very frustrating process. This guide is intended as an aid to those searching for a duplexer or wishing to verify the performance of a unit that is already in service.

Basic specifications are given for each unit. This is not a complete technical reference. Station and mobile duplexers are included. This guide will be updated periodically as additional information becomes available.

CAUTION: many of the duplexers listed may require cable harness changes to operate in a specific "band split". Where information on band splits is known, it is reflected in this guide. It is important to verify that any unit has the proper length harness cables for the frequencies to which it will be tuned, as most duplexers will not meet their published specifications with the wrong cables or the wrong length cables.

Models that appear to be suitable for operation on amateur radio frequencies and at typical "ham split" frequency separation are identified in the list below by (HAM) after the model number. However, it is always advisable to check the unit's specifications for more information. Models marked (*) do not at first glance appear to be suitable for ham frequencies but have been used in the ham band (see note in specifications for details).

If you have information that would be useful to add to this page PLEASE send it to us!

Models Covered in This Guide:

Celwave / Radio Frequency Systems (RFS)

      497-1-1       (HAM)
      5042-1        (HAM)
      506-1         (HAM)
      5085-1   (138-150 MHz, 3.0 MHz spacing)  (HAM)
      5085-2   (138-150 MHz, 5.0 MHz spacing)
      5085-3   (150-162 MHz, 3.0 MHz spacing)
      5085-4   (150-162 MHz, 5.0 MHz spacing)
      5085-5   (162-174 MHz, 3.0 MHz spacing)
      5085-6   (162-174 MHz, 5.0 MHz spacing)
      636-6A-1-1         (HAM)
      636-6A-1-2         (HAM)
      636-6A-1-3         (HAM)
      636-6A-1-4         (HAM)
      636A-6-1-3         (HAM)

      1157          (HAM)
      526-4-1       (HAM)
      526-4-2       (HAM)
      638-6-4-1     (HAM)
      638-6-4-3     (HAM)
      696-1-1       (HAM)
      696-1-2       (HAM)
      696-2-1       (HAM)
      696-2-2       (HAM)
      696-3-1       (HAM)
      696-3-2       (HAM)
      633-6A-1      (HAM)
      633-6A-1BNB   (HAM)
      633-6A-1N     (HAM)
      633-6A-5     (HAM)
      633-6A-5N     (HAM)
      633-A-1       (HAM)
      633-A-2       (HAM)
      633-A-4     (HAM)

   800/900 MHz

Decibel Products
Note that Decibel Products ("DB") and Phelps Dodge ("PD") used similar model numbers at times. A DB-506 is very different from a PD506...

   Low Band

      DB4048        (HAM)
      DB4060        (HAM)
      DB4062        (HAM)


Note that over the years Motorola house-labeled many products made by DB, PD, and others. If anyone has a translation list or chart (even just a few model numbers) we'd love to offer it here.

      The T1480 4-cavity VHF duplexer has its own info page that is 
      linked to the main Motorola page at this web site.
      The T1500 4-cavity UHF duplexer has its own info page that is 
      linked to the main Motorola page at this web site.
      T1503A, AF    (HAM)
      T1504A, AF    (HAM)
      T1507A        (HAM)

RFS see Cellwave above


      Q-2220E       (HAM)
      P-201G        (HAM)
      Q-201G        (HAM)
      Q-202G        (HAM)

      Q-3220E       (HAM)
      P-301G        (HAM)
      Q-301G        (HAM)
      Q-318         (HAM)
      R-313C        (*)

   800/900 MHz


      TPRD-1454     (HAM)
      TPRD-1446C    (HAM)
      TPRD-1444C/CM (HAM)

      TPCD-4554     (HAM)
      TPCD-4556     (HAM)
   Low Band

      28-36-02      (HAM)
      28-37-02      (HAM)
      28-36-11      (HAM)
      28-37-11      (HAM)
      28-38-03      (HAM)
      28-37-04      (HAM)
      28-37-08      (HAM)

   220 MHz
      28-52-02      (HAM)

      28-66-02      (HAM)
      28-66-04      (HAM)

   800 MHz

   1200 MHz
      28-97-01      (HAM)
   Low Band
      WP604         (HAM)

      WP639         (HAM)
      WP641         (HAM)
      WP643         (HAM)

   220 MHz
      WP652         (HAM)
      WP653         (HAM)

      WP665         (HAM)
      WP678         (HAM)

Duplexer Specifications

Decibel Products

DB4032-8A (30.5-50 MHz)

Type: 8 helical resonators, bandreject

Minimum freq. spacing      0.5 MHz
Insertion loss             2.0 dB
Max. continuous power      150 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 80 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   80 dB
Temperature range          -10 to +50C
VSWR                       1.5:1

DB4048 (146-174 MHz)

Type: 6 cavity pass-reject

Minimum freq. spacing      0.5 MHz
Insertion loss             1.5 dB
Max. continuous power      400 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 80 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   80 dB
Temperature range          -30 to +60C
VSWR                       1.5:1

DB4050 (148-174 MHz)

Frequency separation       300 kHz or more
Maximum power input        400 Watts
Insertion loss Tx to ant   2.2 dB
Insertion loss Rx to ant   2.2 dB
Tx noise suppression       95 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   95 dB
Maximum VSWR               1.51
Temperature range          -30C to +60C
Number of cavity filters   8
Connector terminations     UHF female

DB4060-A (138-144 MHz)
DB4060-B (143-156 MHz)
DB4060-C (154-174 MHz)

Type: 4 cavity pass-reject

Minimum freq. spacing      0.5 MHz
Insertion loss             1.5 dB
Max. continuous power      200 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 80 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   80 dB
Temperature range          -30 to +60C
VSWR                       1.5:1

DB4062-A (138-144 MHz)
DB4062-B (143-156 MHz)
DB4062-C (154-174 MHz)

Type: 6 cavity pass-reject

Minimum freq. spacing      0.3 MHz
Insertion loss             2.2 dB
Max. continuous power      200 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 100 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   100 dB
Temperature range          -30 to +60C
VSWR                       1.5:1

DB4059 (148-174 MHz)

Type: 4 cavity compact pass-reject

Minimum freq. spacing      0.75 MHz
Insertion loss             1.2 dB
Max. continuous power      175 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 70 dB at 3 MHz (-90 dB at 5 MHz)
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   70 dB at 3 MHz (-90 dB at 5 MHz)
Temperature range          -30 to +60C
VSWR                       1.25:1

DB4076W (485-505 MHz)

Type: 4 cavity pass-reject

Minimum freq. spacing      3 MHz (maximum 8 MHz)
Insertion loss             1.2 dB
Max. continuous power      250 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 80 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   80 dB
Temperature range          -30 to +60C
VSWR                       1.3:1

T1503A, AF

Type: 2 cavity pass-reject

406-430 MHz:

Minimum freq. spacing      5 MHz
Insertion loss             0.8 dB
Max. continuous power      250 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 55 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   55 dB
Temperature range          -30 to +60C
VSWR                       1.5:1

430-470 MHz:

Minimum freq. spacing      5 MHz
Insertion loss             0.7 dB
Max. continuous power      250 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 55 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   55 dB
Temperature range          -30 to +60C
VSWR                       1.5:1

T1504A, AF

Type: 4 cavity pass-reject

406-430 MHz:

Minimum freq. spacing      2 MHz
Insertion loss             1.6 dB
Max. continuous power      250 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 80 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   80 dB
Temperature range          -30 to +60C
VSWR                       1.5:1

430-470 MHz:

Minimum freq. spacing      2 MHz
Insertion loss             1.4 dB
Max. continuous power      250 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 80 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   80 dB
Temperature range          -30 to +60C
VSWR                       1.5:1

470-512 MHz:

Minimum freq. spacing      2 MHz
Insertion loss             1.3 dB
Max. continuous power      250 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 85 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   85 dB
Temperature range          -30 to +60 dB
VSWR                       1.5:1


Type: 4 cavity bandpass only

406-512 MHz:

Minimum freq. spacing      5 MHz
Insertion loss             2.0 dB
Max. continuous power      125 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 55 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   55 dB
Temperature range          -30 to +60C
VSWR                       1.5:1
Radio Frequency Systems (RFS, Celwave)

497-1-1  (136-150 MHz)
497-1-2  (150-174 MHz)

Type: 6 cavity

Minimum freq. spacing      0.5 MHz
Insertion loss             1.0 dB
Max. continuous power      350 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 100 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   100 dB
Temperature range          -30 to +60C
VSWR                       1.3:1

5042-1  (138-174 MHz)

Type: 6 cavity small rackmount

Minimum freq. spacing      0.5 MHz
Insertion loss             1.8 dB
Max. continuous power      100 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 60 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   60 dB
Temperature range          -30 to +60C
VSWR                       1.5:1

506-1  (136-174 MHz)

Type: 4 cavity

Minimum freq. spacing      0.6 MHz
Insertion loss             2.0 dB
Max. continuous power      180 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 80 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   80 dB
Temperature range          -30 to +60C
VSWR                       1.3:1

5085-1  (138-150 MHz)
5085-3  (150-162 MHz)
5085-5  (162-174 MHz)

Type: 6 cavity compact size (flat-pack mobile duplexer)

Minimum freq. spacing      3.0 MHz
Insertion loss             1.4 dB
Max. continuous power      100 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 75 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   75 dB
Temperature range          -30 to +60C
VSWR                       1.3:1

5085-2  (138-150 MHz)
5085-4  (150-162 MHz)
5085-6  (162-174 MHz)

Type: 6 cavity compact size (flat-pack mobile duplexer)

Minimum freq. spacing      5.0 MHz
Insertion loss             1.2 dB
Max. continuous power      100 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 75 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   75 dB
Temperature range          -30 to +60C
VSWR                       1.3:1

638-6-1-1  (162-174 MHz)

Type: 6 cavity compact size

Minimum freq. spacing      3.0 MHz
Insertion loss             1.2 dB
Max. continuous power      150 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 75 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   75 dB
Temperature range          -30 to +60C
VSWR                       1.3:1

638-6-1-2  (150-162 MHz)

Type: 6 cavity compact size

Minimum freq. spacing      3.0 MHz
Insertion loss             1.2 dB
Max. continuous power      100 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 75 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   75 dB
Temperature range          -30 to +60C
VSWR                       1.3:1

636-6A-1-1 (144-154 MHz)

636-6A-2-1 (154-164 MHz)

636-6A-3-1 (164-174 MHz)

636-6A-5-3 (150-160 MHz)

Type: 6 cavity mobile

Minimum freq. spacing      4.5 MHz
Insertion loss             1.2 dB
Max. continuous power      50 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 80 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   80 dB
Temperature range          -30 to +60C
VSWR                       1.5:1

636A-6-1-3 (144-155 MHz)

636A-6-2-1 (155-162 MHz)

636A-6-3-2 (162-174 MHz)

Type: 4 helical resonators, mobile

Minimum freq. spacing      4.5 MHz
Insertion loss             0.8 dB
Max. continuous power      50 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 60 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   60 dB
Temperature range          -30 to +60C
VSWR                       1.5:1

1157  (406-512 MHz)

Type: 6 cavity 3/4 wave

Minimum freq. spacing      0.5 MHz
Insertion loss             2.2 dB
Max. continuous power      200 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 80 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   80 dB
Temperature range          -30 to +60C
VSWR                       1.3:1

526-4-1  (406-440 MHz)
526-4-2  (440-470 MHz)
526-5-1  (470-490 MHz)
526-5-2  (490-512 MHz)

Type: 6 cavity pass-reject

Minimum freq. spacing      3.0 MHz
Insertion loss             1.0 dB
Max. continuous power      250 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 100 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   100 dB
Temperature range          -30 to +60C
VSWR                       1.3:1

638-6-4-1  (406-435 MHz)
638-6-4-3  (435-470 MHz)

Type: 6 cavity compact size

Minimum freq. spacing      5.0 MHz
Insertion loss             1.2 dB
Max. continuous power      100 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 75 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   75 dB
Temperature range          -30 to +60C
VSWR                       1.3:1

696-1-1  (406-440 MHz)
696-1-2  (440-470 MHz)
696-1-3  (470-490 MHz)
696-1-4  (490-512 MHz)

Type: 4 cavity pass-reject

Minimum freq. spacing      4.0 MHz
Insertion loss             0.8 dB
Max. continuous power      250 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 85 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   85 dB
Temperature range          -30 to +60C
VSWR                       1.3:1

696-2-1  (406-440 MHz)
696-2-2  (440-470 MHz)
696-2-3  (470-490 MHz)
696-2-4  (490-512 MHz)

Type: 4 cavity pass-reject

Minimum freq. spacing      2.5 MHz
Insertion loss             1.2 dB
Max. continuous power      150 MHz
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 80 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   80 dB
Temperature range          -30 to +60C
VSWR                       1.5:1

696-3-1  (406-440 MHz)
696-3-2  (440-470 MHz)

Type: 4 cavity pass-reject

Minimum freq. spacing      1.0 MHz
Insertion loss             2.0 dB
Max. continuous power      100 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 60 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   60 dB
Temperature range          -30 to +60C
VSWR                       1.3:1

633-6A-1 (406-450 MHz)

633-6A-2 (450-470 MHz)

Type: 4 capacitively tuned TEM resonators

Minimum freq. spacing      5 MHz
Insertion loss             1.4 dB
Max. continuous power      50 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 75 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   75 dB
Temperature range          -30 to +60C
VSWR                       1.3:1

633-6A-5 (406-450 MHz)

633-6A-6 (450-470 MHz)

633-6A-7N (470-512 MHz)

Type: 4 capacitively tuned TEM resonators

Minimum freq. spacing      10 MHz
Insertion loss             1.2 dB
Max. continuous power      50 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 80 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   80 dB
Temperature range          -30 to +60C
VSWR                       1.3:1

633-6A-9 (470-512 MHz)

Type: 4 capacitively coupled TEM resonators

Minimum freq. spacing      3 MHz
Insertion loss             1.4 dB
Max. continuous power      50 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 70 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   70 dB
Temperature range          -30 to +60C
VSWR                       1.3:1

633-A-1 (406-440 MHz)
633-A-2 (440-470 MHz)
633-A-3 (470-512 MHz)

Type: 4 capacitively tuned TEM resonators

Minimum freq. spacing      5 MHz
Insertion loss             1.2 dB
Max. continuous power      50 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 50 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   50 dB
Temperature range          -30 to +60C
VSWR                       1.3:1

633-A-4 (406-470 MHz)

Type: 4 capacitively tuned TEM resonators

Minimum freq. spacing      10 MHz
Insertion loss             0.8 dB
Max. continuous power      50 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 60 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   60 dB
Temperature range          -30 to +60C
VSWR                       1.3:1

896-1-1 (806-860 MHz)
896-1-2 (860-960 MHz)

Type: 4 cavities

Minimum freq. spacing      3.6 MHz
Insertion loss             1.2 dB
Max. continuous power      100 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 70 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   70 dB
Temperature range          -30 to +60C
VSWR                       1.3:1

896-2-1 (806-860 MHz)
896-2-2 (860-960 MHz)

Type: 4 cavities

Minimum freq. spacing      24 MHz
Insertion loss             1.2 dB
Max. continuous power      100 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 70 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   70 dB
Temperature range          -30 to +60C
VSWR                       1.3:1

896-SR-1-1 (806-860 MHz)
896-SR-1-2 (860-960 MHz)

Type: 4 cavities

Minimum freq. spacing      3.6 MHz
Insertion loss             1.2 dB
Max. continuous power      100 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 70 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   70 dB
Temperature range          -30 to +60C
VSWR                       1.3:1

896-SR-2-1 (806-860 MHz)
896-SR-2-2 (860-960 MHz)

Type: 4 cavities

Minimum freq. spacing      24 MHz
Insertion loss             1.2 dB
Max. continuous power      100 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 70 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   70 dB
Temperature range          -30 to +60C
VSWR                       1.3:1

5043-8-2 (806-960 MHz)

Minimum freq. spacing      45 MHz
Insertion loss             1.0 dB
Max. continuous power      600 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 60 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   60 dB
Temperature range          -30 to +60C
VSWR                       1.3:1

5043-8-3 (806-960 MHz)

Minimum freq. spacing      45 MHz
Insertion loss             1.5 dB
Max. continuous power      400 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 90 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   90 dB
Temperature range          -30 to +60C
VSWR                       1.3:1

5043-8-9 (897.5-950 MHz)

Minimum freq. spacing      45 MHz
Insertion loss             1.5 dB
Max. continuous power      400 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 75 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   75 dB
Temperature range          -30 to +60C
VSWR                       1.3:1


Q-2220E (132-174 MHz)

Type: 4 cavity pass-reject

Minimum freq. spacing      0.5 MHz
Insertion loss             1.5 dB
Max. continuous power      350 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 70 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   70 dB
Temperature range          -40 to +60C
VSWR                       1.5:1

Q-2222E (148-174 MHz)

Type: comapct pass-reject using folded cavities

Note: comes in two freq.ranges: 148-165 and 160-174 MHz

Specifications for 0.5 MHz frequency seperation:

Minimum freq. spacing      0.5 MHz
Insertion loss             2.3 dB
Max. continuous power      120 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 75 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   75 dB
Temperature range          -40 to +60C
VSWR                       1.5:1

Specifications for 1.5 MHz frequency speration:

Minimum freq. spacing      1.5 MHz
Insertion loss             1.8 dB
Max. continuous power      120 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 80 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   80 dB
Temperature range          -40 to +60C
VSWR                       1.5:1

Specifications for 3.0 MHz frequency seperation:

Minimum freq. spacing      3.0 MHz
Insertion loss             1.1 dB
Max. continuous power      120 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 85 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   85 dB
Temperature range          -40 to +60C
VSWR                       1.5:1

P-201G (132-174 MHz) (in splits 132-150, 148-174)

Type: 4 cavity bandpass

Minimum freq. spacing      3 MHz
Insertion loss             1.2 dB
Max. continuous power      400 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 55 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   55 dB
Temperature range          -40 to +60C
VSWR                       1.5:1

Q-201G (132-174 MHz) (in splits 132-150, 148-174)

Type: 6 cavity pass-reject

Minimum freq. spacing      0.3 MHz
Insertion loss             2.2 dB
Max. continuous power      350 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 95 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   95 dB
Temperature range          -40 to +60C
VSWR                       1.5:1

Q-202G (132-174 MHz) (in splits 132-150, 148-174)

Type: 4 cavity pass-reject

Minimum freq. spacing      0.5 MHz
Insertion loss             1.5 dB
Max. continuous power      350 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 80 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   80 dB
Temperature range          -40 to +60C
VSWR                       1.5:1

Q-3220E (406-512 MHz)

Type: 4 cavity pass-reject

Minimum freq. spacing      3.0 MHz
Insertion loss             0.8 dB
Max. continuous power      350 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 75 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   75 dB
Temperature range          -40 to +60C
VSWR                       1.5:1

P-301G (406-512 MHz) (in splits 406-420, 450-512)

Type: 4 cavity bandpass

Minimum freq. spacing      5 MHz
Insertion loss             1.2 dB
Max. continuous power      350 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 53 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   53 dB
Temperature range          -40 to +60C
VSWR                       1.5:1

Q-301G (406-512 MHz) (in splits 406-420, 450-512)

Type: 6 cavity pass-reject

Minimum freq. spacing      3.7 MHz
Insertion loss             2.2 dB
Max. continuous power      250 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 100 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   100 dB
Temperature range          -40 to +60C
VSWR                       1.5:1

Q-318 (406-512 MHz) (in splits 406-420, 450-512)

Type: 4 cavity pass-reject

Minimum freq. spacing      2 MHz
Insertion loss             1.5 dB
Max. continuous power      250 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 90 dB
Rx isolation at Rx freq.   90 dB
Temperature range          -40 to +60C
VSWR                       1.5:1

R-313C (450-470 MHz) (* has been used at 444/449 MHz)


Minimum freq. spacing      3.0 MHz
Insertion loss             1.4 dB
Max. continuous power      125 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 75 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   75 dB
Temperature range          ?
VSWR                       ?

Q-4220E (806-960 MHz)

Type: 4 cavity pass-reject

Minimum freq. spacing      45 MHz
Insertion loss             1.0 dB
Max. continuous power      150 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 80 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   80 dB
Temperature range          -40 to +60C
VSWR                       1.5:1


TPRD-1454 (118-148 MHz)
TPRD-1554 (148-174 MHz)

Type: 4 cavity pass-reject

Minimum freq. spacing      0.6 MHz
Insertion loss             1.5 dB
Max. continuous power      350 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 77 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   77 dB
Tmperature range           -30 to +70C
VSWR                       1.5:1

TPRD-1556 (148-174 MHz)

Type: 6 cavity pass-reject

Minimum freq. spacing      0.4 MHz
Insertion loss             2.0 dB
Max. continuous power      350 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 100 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   100 dB
Temperature range          -30 to +70C
VSWR                       1.5:1

TPRD-1446C (135-151 MHz)

Type: 6 cavity compact pass-reject

Minimum freq. spacing      0.5 MHz
Insertion loss             1.5 dB
Max. continuous power      350 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 80 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   80 dB
Temperature range          -30 to +70C
VSWR                       1.5:1

TPRD-1444C/CM (135-151 MHz)

Type: 4 cavity pass-reject

Minimum freq. spacing      0.6 MHz
Insertion loss             1.5 dB
Max. continuous power      350 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 80 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   80 dB
Temperature range          -30 to +70C
VSWR                       1.5:1

TPCD-1553 (118-148 MHz)

Type: 3 cavity bandpass

Minimum freq. spacing      5 MHz
Insertion loss             1.0 dB
Max. continuous power      350 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 62 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   35 dB
Temperature range          -30 to +70C
VSWR                       1.5:1

TPCD-1554 (118-174 MHz)

Type: 4 cavity bandpass

Minimum freq. spacing      4 MHz
Insertion loss             1.0 dB
Max. continuous power      350 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 58 dB   (63 dB at 5 MHz)
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   55 dB   (58 dB at 5 MHz)
Temperature range          -30 to +70C
VSWR                       1.5:1

TPCD-1556 (118-174 MHz)

Type: 6 cavity bandpass

Minimum freq. spacing      2 MHz
Insertion loss             1.5 dB
Max. continuous power      350 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 75 dB   (77 dB at 3 MHz)
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   63 dB   (66 dB at 3 MHz)
Temperature range          -30 to +70C
VSWR                       1.5:1

TMND-1516 (148-157 MHz)
TMND-1616 (156-165 MHz)
TMND-1716 (164-174 MHz)

Type: 6 cavity compact mobile

Minimum freq. spacing      4 MHz
Insertion loss             1.2 dB
Max. continuous power      50 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 75 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   75 dB
Temperature range          -20 to +60C
VSWR                       1.5:1

TPRD-4544 (450-470 MHz)

Type: 4 cavity pass-reject

Minimum freq. spacing      5 MHz
Insertion loss             1.0 dB
Max. continuous power      250 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 90 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   90 dB
Temperature range          -30 to +70C
VSWR                       1.2:1

TPRD-14744 (470-512 MHz)

Type: 4 cavity pass-reject

Minimum freq. spacing      3 MHz
Insertion loss             1.0 dB
Max. continuous power      250 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 90 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   90 dB
Temperature range          -30 to +70C
VSWR                       1.2:1

TPCD-4554 (406-512 MHz)

Type: 4 cavity bandpass

Minimum freq. spacing      5 MHz
Insertion loss             1.0 dB
Max. continuous power      350 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 52 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   50 dB
Temperature range          -30 to +70C
VSWR                       1.5:1

TPCD-4556 (406-512 MHz)

Type: 6 cavity bandpass

Minimum freq. spacing      5 MHz
Insertion loss             1.5 dB
Max. continuous power      350 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 75 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   75 dB
Temperature range          -30 to +70C
VSWR                       1.5:1

TMND-4516 (450-460 MHz)
TMND-4616 (460-470 MHz)

Type: 6 cavity mobile

Minimum freq. spacing      5 MHz
Insertion loss             1.5 dB
Max. continuous power      50 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 75 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   75 dB
Temperature range          -20 to +60C
VSWR                       1.5:1


28-13-01 (30-40 MHz)
28-14-01 (38-50 MHz)


Minimum freq. spacing      0.3 NHz
Max. continuous power      400 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 90 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   90 dB

30-37-01 (144-174 MHz)

Type: 6 two inch square cavities

Minimum freq. spacing      3 MHz
Insertion loss             1.5 dB
Max. continuous power      100 watts
Channel isolation          100 dB

28-36-02 (132-150 MHz)
28-37-02 (144-174 MHz)

Type: 4 cavities 6.25" diameter

Minimum freq. spacing      0.5 MHz
Insertion loss             1.5 dB
Max. continuous power      400 watts
Channel isolation          85 dB

28-36-11 (132-150 MHz)
28-37-11 (144-174 MHz)


Minimum freq. spacing      0.3 MHz
Max. continuous power      400 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 100 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   100 dB

38-36-01 (132-150 MHz)
38-37-01 (144-174 MHz)


Minimum freq. spacing      4.5 MHz
Max. continuous power      100 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 70 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   70 dB

74-36-02 (132-150 MHz)
74-37-02 (144-174 MHz)


Minimum freq. spacing      3.0 MHz
Max. continuous power      400 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 57 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   57 dB

28-38-03 (132-174 MHz)


Minimum freq. spacing      0.5 MHz
Max. continuous power      150 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 80 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   80 dB

28-37-04 (144-174 MHz)


Minimum freq. spacing      0.5 MHz
Max. continuous power      125 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 65 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   65 dB

28-37-06 (144-174 MHz)


Minimum freq. spacing      1.0 MHz
Max. continuous power      125 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 75 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   75 dB

28-37-07 (144-174 MHz)


Minimum freq. spacing      3.0 MHz
Max. continuous power      400 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 85 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   85 dB

28-37-08 (144-174 MHz)


Minimum freq. spacing      0.24 MHz
Max. continuous power      400 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 100 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   100 dB

28-52-02 (215-250 MHz)


Minimum freq. spacing      1.6 MHz
Max. continuous power      250 watts
Tx noise supp. at RX freq. 90 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   90 dB

28-65-01 (406-430 MHz)
28-70-01 (450-470 MHz)
28-69-01 (470-512 MHz)


Minimum freq. spacing      1.5 MHz
Max. continuous power      350 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 90 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   90 dB

28-66-02 (442-450 MHz)
28-70-02 (450-470 MHz)

Type: 4 cavities 4" diameter

Minimum freq. spacing      5 MHz
Insertion loss             0.6 dB
Max. continuous power      350 watts
Channel isolation          100 dB

28-65-02 (406-430 MHz)
28-69-02 (470-512 MHz)


Minimum freq. spacing      3.0 MHz
Max. continuous power      350 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 80 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   80 dB

28-65-05 (406-430 MHz)
28-70-07 (450-470 MHz)
28-69-04 (470-512 MHz)


Minimum freq. spacing      0.7 MHz
Max. continuous power      350 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 100 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   100 dB

28-65-07 (406-430 MHz)
28-69-06 (470-512 MHz)


Minimum freq. spacing      3.0 MHz
Max. continuous power      250 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 85 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   85 dB

28-65-08 (406-430 MHz)


Minimum freq. spacing      4.5 MHz
Max. continuous power      100 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 80 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   80 dB

28-65-09 (406-430 MHz)


Minimum freq. spacing      2.5 MHz
Max. continuous power      100 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 80 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   80 dB

28-65-10 (406-430 MHz)


Minimum freq. spacing      4.5 MHz
Max. continuous power      100 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 80 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   80 dB

26-66-01 (442-450 MHz)


Minimum freq. spacing      6.0 MHz
Max. continuous power      100 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 70 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   70 dB

28-66-04 (442-450 MHz)


Minimum freq. spacing      5.0 MHz
Max. continuous power      100 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 80 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   80 dB

28-70-09 (450-470 MHz)


Minimum freq. spacing      5.0 MHz
Max. continuous power      250 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 100 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   100 dB

28-70-14 (450-470 MHz)


Minimum freq. spacing      5.0 MHz
Max. continuous power      100 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 80 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   80 dB

28-70-15 (450-470 MHz)

Type: 1.25" x 2" rectangular cavities

Minimum freq. spacing      5 MHz
Insertion loss             1.2 dB
Max. continuous power      100 watts
Channel isolation          80 dB

28-70-16 (450-470 MHz)


Minimum freq. spacing      5.0 MHz
Max. continuous power      100 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 80 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   40 dB

28-70-17 (450-470 MHz)


Minimum freq. spacing      5.0 MHz
Max. continuous power      100 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 80 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   40 dB

74-70-02 (450-470 MHz)


Minimum freq. spacing      5.0 MHz
Max. continuous power      185 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 62 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   62 dB

74-70-04 (450-470 MHz)


Minimum freq. spacing      5.0 MHz
Max. continuous power      225 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 89 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   89 dB

26-88-01 (890-960 MHz)


Minimum freq. spacing      39 MHz
Max. continuous power      600 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 55 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   100 dB

28-88-01 (890-960 MHz)


Minimum freq. spacing      3.6 MHz
Max. continuous power      125 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 90 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   90 dB

28-88-04 (890-960 MHz)


Minimum freq. spacing      39 MHz
Max. continuous power      125 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 90 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   90 dB

26-89-03 (806-866 MHz)


Minimum freq. spacing      45 MHz
Max. continuous power      600 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 45 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   77 dB

28-89-01 (806-869 MHz)


Minimum freq. spacing      45 MHz
Insertion loss             0.8 dB
Max. continuous power      125 watts
Channel isolation          90 dB

28-97-01 (1215-1300 MHz)


Minimum freq. spacing      12 MHz
Max. continuous power      125 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 100 dB
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   100 dB


WP604A (30-35 MHz)
WP604B (35-40 MHz)
WP604C (40-45 MHz)
WP604D (45-50 MHz)

Type: 4 cavity pass-reject

Minimum freq. spacing      0.3 MHz
Insertion loss             1.5 dB
Max. continuous power      275 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 85 dB at 0.3 MHz, 90 dB at 0.5 MHz
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   85 dB at 0.3 MHz, 90 dB at 0.5 MHz
Temperature range          -30 to +60C
VSWR                       1.3:1

WP629A (118-136 MHz)
WP629B (130-144 MHz)
WP639 (144-174 MHz)

Type: 4 cavity pass-reject

Minimum freq. spacing      0.6 MHz
Insertion loss             1.5 dB
Max. continuous power      200 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 80 dB at 0.6 MHz, 90 dB at 2 MHz
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   80 dB at 0.6 MHz, 90 dB at 2 MHz
Temperature range          -30 to +60C
VSWR                       1.3:1

WP621A (118-136 MHz)
WP621B (130-144 MHz)
WP641 (144-174 MHz)

Type: 4 cavity pass-reject

Minimum freq. spacing      0.5 MHz
Insertion loss             1.5 dB
Max. continuous power      275 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 85 dB at 0.5 MHz, 95 dB at 2 MHz
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   85 dB at 0.5 MHz, 95 dB at 2 MHz
Temperature range          -30 to +60C
VSWR                       1.3:1

WP623A (118-136 MHz)
WP623B (130-144 MHz)
WP643 (144-174 MHz)

Type: 6 cavity pass-reject

Minimum freq. spacing      0.5 MHz
Insertion loss             2.2 dB
Max. continuous power      275 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 97 dB/0.5 MHz, 102/0.6 MHz, 110/1.0 MHz
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   97 dB/0.5 MHz, 102/0.6 MHz, 110/1.0 MHz
Temperature range          -30 to +60C
VSWR                       1.3:1

WP652 (210-260 MHz)

Type: 4 cavity pass-reject

Minimum freq. spacing      1.0 MHz
Insertion loss             1.5 dB/1 MHz, 1.2 > 1.5 MHz
Max. continuous power      200 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 85 dB/1 MHz, 90/1.5 MHz, 95/5 MHz
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   85 dB/1 MHz, 90/1.5 MHz, 95/5 MHz
Temperature range          -30 to +60C
VSWR                       1.3:1

WP653 (210-260 MHz)

Type: 6 cavity pass-reject

Minimum freq. spacing      1.0 MHz
Insertion loss             2.2 dB/1 MHz, 2.0 > 1.5 MHz
Max. continuous power      200 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 90 dB/1 MHz, 95/1.5 MHz, 100/5 MHz
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   90 dB/1 MHz, 95/1.5 MHz, 100/5 MHz
Temperature range          -30 to +60C
VSWR                       1.3:1

WP665A (400-420 MHz)
WP665B (420-440 MHz)
WP678A (440-470 MHz)
WP678B (470-494 MHz)
WP678C (488-512 MHz)

Type: 4 cavity pass-reject

Minimum freq. spacing      3.0 MHz
Insertion loss             1.2 dB
Max. continuous power      200 watts
Tx noise supp. at Rx freq. 90 dB at 3 MHz, 95 dB at 5 MHz
Rx isolation at Tx freq.   90 dB at 3 MHz, 95 dB at 5 MHz
Temperature range          -30 to +60C
VSWR                       1.3:1

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Updated 24 November 2004 by Mike WA6ILQ (added DB-4050 and some HTML cleanup)
Updated 03 Kuly 2024 by Mike WA6ILQ (added spacing information to Celwave 5085 mobile flatpack)

The information presented in this web site, on these web pages and in these modifications and conversions is © Copyrighted 1995 - current by Kevin Custer W3KKC and multiple originating authors.